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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectnot even close
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2161357&mesg_id=2161427
2161427, not even close
Posted by mistermaxxx08, Thu Apr-11-13 10:54 PM
Bernard King was a beast period and back then you had a era of Prolific scorers and you had to truly have something special to stand out and Man did he ever.

even when he played with the Bullets he still had moments.

to me he is the best player that Patrick Ewing didn't get to catch at his best, because had he they might have won a chip or the very least been a runner up.

B King was balling in a hands on era and also he overcame so much. believe me with this current knicks rotation and the way they spread the rock B King could take Mello and JR Smith with one hand tied behind his back.

B King was busting turkeys left and right. i mean he was that cat between a Jordan and Wilkins and could hold his own.