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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectseems like a good time to respond
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2161317&mesg_id=2161400
2161400, seems like a good time to respond
Posted by mashpg89, Thu Apr-11-13 10:10 PM
>Butler, Nate, Boozer, Hinrich.
>Its starting to get around the league about ya'll.
>sorry if you don't know, but it is.

there could be worse rumors. besides the heat game with lebron crying postgame, i haven't read or heard anywhere that the bulls are a dirty team. we just play relentless, physical defense because we need to do so to win. if you look at every game against the knicks this season and the streak bust against miami, our physical defense took the other team out of the game and had them visibly flustered. i've watched almost every bulls game this season, only one who talks shit on this team is nate robinson, and that's just who he is. booz screams but mostly to himself. butler and hinrich are silent. the bulls are great defenders who annoy opponents, not sure you know the meaning of 'fake thug'.

>But yall trying to provoke players is old and tired now. Even
>though sometimes it works.

they get provoked because they're not able to score easily. knicks try to play tough and when they get outworked they get frustrated. besides nate, i don't see bulls players trying to provoke but by all means please give examples.

>If we maintain tempo, we got this.

u mad?

hope we see yall in the playoffs, would be a great series.