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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectuhhh....compared to the knicks?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2161317&mesg_id=2161335
2161335, uhhh....compared to the knicks?
Posted by mashpg89, Thu Apr-11-13 08:22 PM
care to be more specific who you're talking about? if it's nate he's always been a fool and at his size he can't back down from opponents. call that fake thuggery if you want.

bulls (usually) play physical, hard-nosed defense. it may be tough to overcome but it's not dirty. that's how we beat the heat, how we've beaten the knicks 3 times this season, and if we step it up in the second half, how we'll beat them a 4th.

now the knicks on the other hand...might have overtaken the celtics for most fake tough-guy team in the league.