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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectHe looked fucking scary from the bottom but let's face it
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2117739&mesg_id=2160910
2160910, He looked fucking scary from the bottom but let's face it
Posted by PG, Wed Apr-10-13 03:04 PM
Dylan had absolutely no offense the whole fight and Hall nearly blew his arms out going for that Kimora before he realized it wasn't gonna cut it.. he won't be able to throw from the bottom like he did then because Kelvin will be putting the hurt on him... plus the level of composure Kelvin showed under Josh's Jujitsu tells me Hall will not be much of a submission threat...

Hall has to finish this quick or at least catch Kelvin standing to win this.. I really think Kelvin has the heart to grind this out.

mind I like them both and won't be the least bit dissapointed if either wins.