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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectIf anybody on this season can do it.. it's Kelvin.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2117739&mesg_id=2160899
2160899, If anybody on this season can do it.. it's Kelvin.
Posted by PG, Wed Apr-10-13 02:40 PM
I think he has this over Hall... Hall will have to go for the immediate kill if he tries to pick Kelvin apart like he did Dylan he will get taken down beaten and quite possibly submitted...

I don't see Kelvin getting in a defensive shell @ all.. I don't see him being intimidated by Hall like everybody else was/is.. I see him willing to close the distance and throw and I see his wrestling and tenacity beating Hall.

all that said Hall might very well end it instantly.. but to do that he needs to not be conservative about it.. he second guesses himself and he's gonna get smothered and whooped. Hall is a beast but I think Kelvin could very well be the truth in this matchup.