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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectKinda Meh
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2148985&mesg_id=2159466
2159466, Kinda Meh
Posted by josephmurf2384, Mon Apr-08-13 10:00 AM

I really enjoyed Lesnar and Triple H. Triple H let Lesnar toss him around and Lesnar definitely connected with the elbow to HBK.

CM Punk not beating taker. I would have hated that mother fucker to be the one to break the streak.

The Shield i just like the action they bring to the ring. they are entertaining to watch.

Mark Henry winning by falling on Rybock. I like that they are gonna have the sell as Rybock being the new strong man but also not doing it at the expense of Henry winning a match.


Shit was 4 hours long and 2.5 weere completely forgettable

Rock V Cena, yeah i knew title was going back to Cena but man how they gonna let hime kick out of like 3 rock bottoms and two people's elbow or some shit and than he gets one reversal and you knew it was over. i kinda think the Rock deserved better than that

Sheamus, Orton and Show have to be 3 of the worst people you can put on a team together. boring as hell

I still hate Chris Jericho

Overall it was fun and hadn't watched in a few years, but damn the talent development in the WWE is non-existent. Once Taker, triple H and the Rock are done doing these PPV matches i don't think there is anyone left in the WWE i can actually root for. it's a shame. they should hold a contest to become a WWE writer me and some of my boys could have a lot of fun writing story lines. Did anyone else think Jericho sold the fake injury because he missed landing on Fernando's knee, i was surprised to see someone win a match by just a reversal. I think there was one other really clear miss a well but i can't remember which match.