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Topic subjectRE: I can't watch..
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2148985&mesg_id=2159147
2159147, RE: I can't watch..
Posted by jimaveli, Sun Apr-07-13 05:23 PM
>>some forgiving. 14 had some matches on it but I remember
>>many folks hating the HBK/Austin match. The match should've
>>been absurd, but Austin was working while recovering from
>>neck injury. And HBK was so roided, 'medicated', and hurt up
>>BEFORE he tweaked his back during the match again...it is
>>amazing he could even put on a match. And of course having
>>Tyson was dope too.
>co-sign. didn't live up to the build-up. if not for HBK's
>back, it coulda/shoulda been great like the
>criminally-underrated clinic of a match they put on at king of
>the ring '97.

Word. It is crazy how matches like that just fade cuz of the show they happened on, the finish, and/or what happened after. I know I had forgotten about it.

That WM 14 main was probably months of folks hoping that Shawn would be good to go physically for the match..kinda like how Taker mania matches are now..except..with your MAIN DUDE AND CHAMPION..yikes! Add the need to get the belt on Austin as awesomely as possible to save/carry the company probably didn't help either. However, the outlandishly bad 1997 WCW Starcade main (aka Hogan/Sting with Bret showing up) probably had WWE folks at least a little at ease. That and the fact that Austin wasn't 100% screwed after the neck injury.

That era was a lot of dudes wrestling about 20-40 pounds heavier than they should've. And they were working hella fast too..especially when they were in the ring with someone who they figured they could 'go' with. The catalog of injuries should've been way longer.

The world was a better place with cats like Shawn working at whatever weight he was the last few years and not having anyone ask questions when a superkick won matches. He was out there looking like a big Steve Corino, but that mofo wrestled his ass off. That second leg of his career (aka the 2000s)...man...he's THE guy if you ask me.
