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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectRE: all this is mostly irrelevant. they lost it on the boards.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2159039&mesg_id=2159138
2159138, RE: all this is mostly irrelevant. they lost it on the boards.
Posted by murph71, Sun Apr-07-13 04:43 PM
>less talk about westbrook decision-making...more talk about
>durant, ibaka, perkins, etc letting melo and kidd and them
>outrebound them.

They were down by a bucket with a minute or so to go...And could have tied or taken the lead with a smart play....If you have Jason kidd or Felton guarding you, it's not exactly the smartest thing to do in terms of pulling up and launching a three when you can penetrate whenever u want to...U r basically bailing them out...

Yep, OKC should have rebounded better...And Melo killed them on the offensive boards....But knowing when to take a shot, drive, or make a play as a PG will be important in the playoffs...It will be interesting to see if Russy lets his exceptional power get to his head on the run to that trophy...