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Topic subjectReport: 4 NFL Players Could All Come Out On Same Day (swipe)
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2158406, Report: 4 NFL Players Could All Come Out On Same Day (swipe)
Posted by j0510, Fri Apr-05-13 12:57 PM

Report: 4 NFL Players Could All Come Out On Same Day
April 5, 2013 11:47 AM

(CBS) When will the NFL have its first openly gay player?

“Sooner than you think,” said free agent linebacker and outspoken gay rights activist Brendon Ayanbadejo.

In fact, Ayanbadejo said he has talked to several gay players who are all considering making a joint announcement regarding their sexuality.

“We’re in talks with a handful of players who are considering it,” Ayanbadejo said. “There are up to four players being talked to right now and they’re trying to be organized so they can come out on the same day together. It would make a major splash and take the pressure off one guy. It would be a monumental day if a handful or a few guys come out.”

As far as the players receiving criticism from their announcement, Ayanbadejo said the NFL is already working to preemptively combat that.

“Of course, there would be backlash,” he said. “If they could share the backlash, it would be more positive. It’s cool. It’s exciting. We’re in talks with a few guys who are considering it. The NFL and organizations are already being proactive and open if a player does it and if something negative happens. We’ll see what happens.”