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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectyup, WM will be a solid show, as always
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2148985&mesg_id=2157134
2157134, yup, WM will be a solid show, as always
Posted by Oak27, Wed Apr-03-13 09:21 AM
But if this was the same card on any PPV not named WM or Summer Slam I probably wouldn't be able to care less. Rock/Cena I don't care about storyline-wise, I'll just watch because of the marquee names. Same goes for HHH/Brock. This is the least excited I've been for a Taker match in over 5 years, and the WHW match is a solid midcard match at best.

Plus, half the card has been thrown together in the last few weeks. What happened to WM being the culmination of big feuds? Fandango/Y2J, Ryback/Henry, Funkasours/Scholars have been bitter enemies for what, 20 days?