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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectCool stories, guys. This will still be one of the best Manias in a decade.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2148985&mesg_id=2156540
2156540, Cool stories, guys. This will still be one of the best Manias in a decade.
Posted by Cold Truth, Tue Apr-02-13 11:14 AM
The build has been iffy in most regards, but the show WILL be a fantastic one.

I'm willing to eat the crow that will come if it isn't, but the actual matches will deliver without fail in most regards. This WILL be a great Mania.

Since I'm willing to eat the crow, I also want the props for seeing what many of you aren't.

Oh, and Doc, I'm pretty sure that Cena promo is a sign that Cena's iteration of 97 Bret or WM17 Austin is on the way.

I'm going to have faith in WWE for once to do the right thing with this and make Cena finally snap after holding in his frustrations all these years.

But yeah... This shit WILL deliver a quality show.