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Topic subjectEveryone but Heyman was bad or boring tonight.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2148985&mesg_id=2156443
2156443, Everyone but Heyman was bad or boring tonight.
Posted by Expertise, Tue Apr-02-13 08:31 AM
And I'm not talking about the stupid angle at the end of the show. The HHH/Brock angle was excellent, with HBK building up how ruthless and disrespectful Brock is, and Heyman coming out to knock the home run out of the park. I love it when Heyman insults Stephanie and HHH, and every time he does, he really pushes the envelope with it. Heyman has done the best work in building any of the angles and matches for WrestleMania.

But Cena had a lackluster promo. We saw 3MB vs. The Big White Vipers last week, however the Shield promo was decent. Bryan vs. Ziggler was nothing special; it was mainly done in order to get over Big E, but I'm still not interested in this match. Barrett vs. Ryder was a waste of time because nobody cares. I do like how they have the camera closeup on Mark Henry's back during his entrance, and they did try to build the match with the no contact clause, but it didn't work for me (and on Smackdown those were some fake assed weights).

And the Punk/Taker segment at the end of the show was beyond horrible, and I think Punk knows it. None of these cheap heel heat tricks over the past few months has gotten Punk more over than what he is, starting from Jerry Lawler returning from his heart attack. Hundreds of thousands of viewers according to Nielsen turned the tv off that night and the overall ratings really didn't recover until Rock came back. There's a difference between being a heel villain and just being low class and cheap.

On top of that, this is just a lame angle all around. They haven't given a reason for this to even be a match other than Punk winning the four-way and the things they've been doing over the past few weeks simply comes off as cartoonish and tasteless. Punk and taker better have one helluva match, or this will be one of Taker's worst WrestleMania failures (Gonzales, Boss Man, Mark Henry, etc) esp when you consider the potential this had.

This is basically a two match show with Brock/HHH (which will probably be the best match on the show with HBK interfering) and Rock/Cena, just to see if they'll have a better match than last year. I have some interest in Fandango/Jericho just to see if Fandango can hang with Jericho in the ring, and I wonder if Ziggler will try to cash in, but the rest of the show is just filler.