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Topic subjectman, i don't even follow gophers bball
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2153552, man, i don't even follow gophers bball
Posted by Drizzit, Tue Mar-26-13 07:56 PM
>2000-2007 (7 seasons):
>1 20 win season, 1 NCAA tournament appearance
>2007-2013 (6 seasons)
>5 20 wins seasons
>3 NCAA tournament appearances

but you just don't know what you're talking about.

dan monson
overall: 118-106 (.527)
big 10: 44-68 (.393) with two winning seasons, a top half (4th) finish and an average place of 7th.
NCAA: one appearance, 1st round exit

tubby smith
overall: 124-81 (.605)
big 10: 42-62 (.426) with NO winning seasons, NO top half finishes and an average place of 7th
NCAA: three appearances, two first round exits and one second round exit.

i don't think any rational gophers bball fan is looking for them to become UNC or UCLA or whatever. they just want them to actually compete in the B10, possibly for a championship and make some deep tourney runs. basically, they want to be wisconsin.

to do that:
1. practice facility
2. recruiting an amazing -- by MN standards -- crop of instate talent
3. improve the players you do land outside the top talent

the first is a big problem and i'm unsure whether then UMN president/AD understand this limitation. i assume maturi did not, but teague should and i will assume again he intends to rectify this major recruiting hole. speaking of recruiting, tubby wasn't doing a very good job. he got some pieces, but consistently missed on instate recruits who are now good to key players in "lesser" programs or had others, like royce white, transfer out to find success elsewhere. further, there is a bumper crop of talent in the state this year and next and none, from what i read, are seriously considering UMN. that's a problem for the future of the program. i think landing jones is pipe dream regardless, but to not land one or two of these players would be a problem for the future of the program. last, the players were not improving or responding to tubby's coaching. i wasn't paying close attention during the early part of his time here, but the last few years saw the same story -- gophers strong at the start, meltdown in the B10, struggle to the NCAAs and quick exit -- with tubby constantly tossing his players under the bus.

all of this has been mentioned throughout the thread. the pedigree tubby brought to the program did not present itself. would it have with a practice facility? don't know. just don't think you can gloss over records with "facts" and not consider everything.

oh, and everyone is talking about no tradition in MN hoops. true, but clem had them competitive -- by cheating -- and so did musselman well before him -- by cheating. i think a lot MN bball fans cling to those memories even though they didn't technically "happen".

can't believe i've written so much about fucking gophers bball. guess i listen to too much KFAN.

that all said, on wisconsin!