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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectIMO, it's a non-issue for fans. Sounds like franchises are the ones
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2153295&mesg_id=2153319
2153319, IMO, it's a non-issue for fans. Sounds like franchises are the ones
Posted by bentagain, Tue Mar-26-13 12:18 PM
that need to get 'ready'

I mean, off the field

how much does the average fan really know about most of these athletes day to day lives

do you know who every player on your team is dating?

If some fuck boy is gonna run roughshod through the league and bring my squad some Ws

I say sign 50 more just like him

If some fuck boy is marginal at best and uses his sexual preference as an agenda and platform for his/her career

ehh, kick rocks fam