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Topic subjectthought it woulda been hoops first
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2153295&mesg_id=2153311
2153311, thought it woulda been hoops first
Posted by themaddfapper, Tue Mar-26-13 12:06 PM

with the kobe/joakim faggot incidents, the suns ceo coming out, the suns gay as a slur isn't cool commercials, the kid from nova coming out, the time was right..

and then the lockout came.

mike mussina summed up the issue of gay athletes best:

During last week's Piazza drama, in fact, Yankees pitcher Mike Mussina was asked if he would accept a gay teammate. He replied, "I'm going to make the assumption that I already have."