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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectHe knew that going in just like anybody else.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2101116&mesg_id=2153066
2153066, He knew that going in just like anybody else.
Posted by DanSpeak, Mon Mar-25-13 07:08 PM
Nobody forced him to take the money coming in. He could've told them he wasn't taking the job unless they upgraded the facilities etc ... but he took the money. Wined about the budget pretty much every other news conference he was in along the way too. I get tired of folk who say we can't expect anything other than mediocrity. The TC's are a MAJOR metropolitan area, not a college town. The Big 10 is the BEST conference in America. If you're a potential recruit we just graduated our two best players. Besides the Hollins boys, EVERY spot will up for grabs, why NOT consider coming here with the right coach?

I live here, it's been six years and I am STILL looking for the guy I thought we were getting. A man who would be fired up to prove that the UK fans were wrong about him. After these 6 yrs, I don't think that guy exists. If y'all were up here to read the quotes in the star trib after losses you would clearly see he lost this team. It was obvious he didn't like them and vice versa.

Yet and still IMO the number #1 reason (or should I say the THREE) reasons they cut bait are named Tyus Jones of Apple Valley, Rashad Vaughn of Robinsdale Cooper, and Reid Travis of Mpls De La Salle. Google those names and get familiar. Top 50 players in their class. A blind man could see they wanna have a shot at one or all of these kids. The right hire could do the trick. If the AD really believed Tubby was in good with those kids he would still be here, bottom line.