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Topic subjectmaybe we're overreating (more bitching follows)
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2152116, maybe we're overreating (more bitching follows)
Posted by jimaveli, Sat Mar-23-13 11:56 AM
Everything you wrote has strong legs to stand on. The actual wrestling SHOULD be good, but we are all looking at a crazy group of active wrestlers with a nice stack of 'special attraction' cats and thinking that it could be better laid out. And that is pretty much IWC 101 right there...rearrangement booking from the laptop is what cats do sometimes...

Outside of Taker/Punk, I'm not in love with what is happening with any of the special attraction cats. And I'm still bitching about Taker taking 6 minutes to come to the ring only to stand there like a jackass while CM Punk tries to sell the match by himself. At least I expect the match's story to be dope cuz they ARE both amazing. Taker comes out pissed and Punk is Freebirding it up to try to survive the early storm. Taker IS old and raggety, Punk knows it and eventually takes out a knee or something and tries to wipe him out. For a while, things look bleak but Taker goes all 'this is my streak..MY STREAK..fuck this shit...*old school Hakushi rope walk*'. Taker has been barely winning the last couple years..I expect this one to be more of that. I originally called for Punk to win, but nevermind...

I'm probably kidding myself about the Rock/Cena too...to WWE, their setup work is done so they are basically taking knees until the match. Rock can only say 'I'm gonna beat you...again..*look around at crowd for effect for 12 seconds*..I'll be back in three weeks..if you smell what the rock is cookin...'. Cena's only response is 'well played, Dwayne..but I'ma win this time...cuz...well...cuz that is the way this should go. I'm here EVERY WEEK..you part-timer! Cook that!'.

I don't know how much we are overreacting. Maybe the concern is really revolving around how they aren't setting themselves up for goodness during the summer, fall, and beyond with what they are doing right now. But maybe they're just gonna rake in the Mania money, see who they have available afterwards, push a few of any of these guys we are bitching about the most (Dolph, Daniel, and The Shield), and expect it to work out since they can all wrestle. Sounds like a HHH-style plan that may work. Then, Rock can show up in July to talk and smell the air only to get his shit rocked by Brock and boom, it's on for Rock's 4rd WM guest appearance tour. Taker will go off and eat more cheetos and wait until his phone starts ringing in January to get back on a stair master. Or buy a bigger jacket. By then, Punk will have had a 3rd or 4th outrageosly awesome summer and fall feud with somebody and we'll be fine. And Cena could be doing strong as shit dude matches against Sheamus or a heeled up but NOT really strong as shit Ryback.

I still want a Henry+strong dude monster tag team. That shit would work! And it would keep miles off of Mark. And the tag titles would matter cuz they'd be going around hurting folks and winning matches. And Miz, Kofi and them would have some meaning behind their bumping and jobbing in between selling t-shirts. Damn...I just figured it out...they are gonna do Henry/Kofi as a heel team...


>Punk and Taker WILL deliver, because that's just what they
>fucking do.
>We all groan at Brock/Paul, but a No Holds Barred match is
>precisely what we DO want in a match with these two.
>The Shield has a match, and they've been money every time out.
>They're facing:
>-Sheamus, who NEVER has a bad match and in fact always has a
>damn good one.
>-Orton, who even though many of you groan at, is perfect for
>such a match because anyone who has paid attention to his
>career would know, is at his best when things are personal.
>Oh, and with a heel turn being imminent with him, there's the
>chance they pull the trigger on it here or at least tease it.
>-Show, who has had nothing but a bunch of perfectly executed
>feuds and matches for like the last 9 months.
>I will be shocked if that doesn't deliver.
>-Ryback/Henry won't quite be what we wanted Goldberg/Brock to
>be, but it will be a solid match.
>-Dolph/Big E and Bryan/Kane. Does anyone really think this
>match will be worse than "pretty good", with two performers
>who are generational in ring talents, and a great big man in
>Kane? Big E will probably deliver too.
>I guarantee the first three of those matches will be
>excellent, the 4th will be solid, while the 5th will be
>"pretty good" at worst.
>Then we have Del Rio, who has good matches, vs Swagger. I
>think we'll have a good match with some interesting spots with
>Ricardo and Colter. I also predict a Dolph cash in. This will
>be a solid match at minimum, though it might well
>I don't know what else is on the card aside from Rock/Cena,
>but all they have to do is do better than last year and
>they're straight. If they do what Dr Claw and I want them to
>do with this match, it'll be absolutely awesome. If not,
>The WORST potential match on there is Del Rio/Swagger! That's
>a strong ass card.
>Yes, the WM build went from great to WTF in like two weeks
>time, but who cares about the build when we're watching the
>I understand the fears, but that's one of the best cards in
>recent memory. If we get the NOA vs Rhodes Scholars or a great
>Jericho match or Soda Popinsky vs anyone, hell, that's a nice
>ass undercard.
>Based on the card itself, I predict this will finish in the
>top ten manias, and it could go higher.