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Topic subjectRE: Word. But this is a symptom of a larger problem
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2151819, RE: Word. But this is a symptom of a larger problem
Posted by jimaveli, Fri Mar-22-13 06:23 PM
>I really don't think WWE gives a SHIT about any of their
>titles, or their product. or even giving lip service to this.
>>The problem is he's against Cena who NY is also not fond of.
>>I mean I can't even fathom such an epic f-up. If I'm Hunter
>>Steph I'm reading Rock's publicist the riot act.
>looking at this from the POV of a dude who hates the
>"SuperCena" booking but not Cena himself, and has no context
>of why "The Rock" is supposed to be great
>The Rock clearly *is* the heel in this scenario
>and John Cena has been eating his proverbial shit for the
>better part of a year. There's no reason for Rock to keep the
>belt, either (which is one reason why I hate this matchup but
>I digress).
>I mean, you would WANT Cena to win.
>(part 2 of this is that I really feel Rock is in "Wizards"
>Jordan mode right now... his promos/timing are off. He can't
>adjust to the "PG Era" and his rants used to have AMAZING
>context. He just seems to be on the outside looking in, rather
>than the inside looking out, which is understandable
>considering he has a new job.)
>What I'm hoping happens is Cena plays the role of Rock in
>Rock/Hogan I @ Wrestlemania X8, and ends up like Stone Cold
>Steve Austin in Wrestlemania X7.
>The problem is, there is NO one thing that Cena could do other
>than exist on screen to be hated. He doesn't even have any
>sort of anything going on with other wrestlers. I can't even
>tell you who he's feuded with besides Rock in forever. Miz? or
>one of the midcarders?
>There's no one that could run in and "cheat" for John Cena
>(though if that happened...that would kick ASS).
>I have a feeling like this really should be like the
>Rock/Hogan matches but it just isn't gonna play out like

WWE hasn't screwed the pooch on a WM like this in a while. Maybe we end up being wrong and this card ends up playing out better than it reads cuz everyone works their asses off and the booking works. Maybe we end up with a bottom 10 WM...this would be brutal considering that Haitch and them have put together a helluva roster with a catalog of experienced dudes who can work, talk, get heat, and carry characters and storylines.

I don't see how the match doesn't go in the 'Cena can't put the Rock away' direction. It is just a matter of how they go from there after 20 minutes to Cena getting the win. Having him take ANY kind of shortcut could be a GREAT lead-in to a summer of Cena FINALLY turning. Problem is...I can't think of any faces they'd trust to be on the other side, so it probably won't happen.

This is a good a time as any to say that I think the WWE WANTS Orton to do something truly stupid once and for all so they can stop being stuck with him on their roster, having to use him, but not having enough faith in his health, his wellness, and/or him throwing a broad down some steps on a Wednesday to really put him into an important program. I could be wrong, but I don't think so.

The last things I remember Cena doing was eventually NOT 'embracing the hate' with Kane and having good as shit matches with CM Punk with some silly ass storyline...I think it was some shit about 'I want to be the champion because I know I'm the best..and if nothing else, I know I'm better than you no matter what anyone else thinks..bitch'. AKA that Ric Flair/Steamboat late 80s wrestling cuz we are wrestlers shit.
