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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectFucking godawful show.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2148985&mesg_id=2150455
2150455, Fucking godawful show.
Posted by wallysmith, Wed Mar-20-13 09:27 AM
I am really, really worried now. The shows after Rumble (and EC too) have been great, but these past few weeks have made NO sense whatsoever.

Why are they letting Rock continue to disappear?
Why doesn't Taker have a reaction to Punk's disrespect?
Why is Triple HHH retiring for the umpteenth time?
Why does Dolph give a flying fuck about the tag titles? (And I love Big E, but why does he get a match at Mania while there are plenty of other actual tag TEAMS that deserve some shine? And why the fuck can't they give Dolph a win over someone substantial, instead of Dolph vs Kofi for the millionth time?)
Why did they tease Ryback vs Henry, reverse that for one week on Smackdown then immediately revert back to the original plan?(Cold Truth you called it)

There are so many things that don't make fucking sense, even within wrestling's already twisted logic. I'll be going to WM29 for a bachelor party and we spent a fuckton on our seats; I'll be heated if this shitty build continues.

Edit: And where the fuck was Cesaro?