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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectBig Smooth looked & sounded blazed on & off the court
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2146240&mesg_id=2146624
2146624, Big Smooth looked & sounded blazed on & off the court
Posted by jigga, Wed Mar-13-13 02:57 PM
>That might have been a reach but the dude (who was in his
>late teens early 20s) said Perk never blazed. He was his blood
>nephew, had all sorts of pictures with him and shit.
>It kinda makes sense, I mean what is our basis for his
>stoniness? That he looked stoned on the court? I doubt he
>Those locks late in his career definitely threw some gas on
>that fire though lol.
>Meanwhile Brian Grant was getting zero love, even though you
>know he was letting Jah be praised at halftime.

Naaaaaw son. BG got mad love up here in the Pac NW too. Calabro would comment on him all the time.