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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectNo backline recognition or communication, and no one closing the ball
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2139586&mesg_id=2140291
2140291, No backline recognition or communication, and no one closing the ball
Posted by LA2Philly, Sun Mar-03-13 12:11 PM
You would think that after Bale almost snuck in at the 20th minute (and we were simply lucky because Siggurdson left his ball a foot long), Arsene and the team might realize that you HAVE TO CLOSE THE FUCKING BALL DOWN in your final 1/3, especially if you want to play a fuckin high-line. That's football fucking 101, you can't give time on the ball and allow for easily timed runs. The next 2 goals were eerily similar....Bale gets in behind Vermalean who has ZERO recognition of what's going on, the pass is so easy because there's no one within 3 yards. The second goal...Monreal assumes Verma is going to latch onto Lennon's run, zero communication, easy diagonal. I mean, that's easy fucking football. Each attack came exactly the same way...ball on the near side, run behind Verma, acres of space on the ball, uncontested diagonal.

It pretty much sums up our season, a laughingstock defensively with a complete inability to adjust or proactively recognize problems and solve them before they bite us in the ass. Two times today.