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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectwell how could you?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2137651&mesg_id=2138759
2138759, well how could you?
Posted by southphillyman, Wed Feb-27-13 09:24 PM
a) it's the truth
b) i didn't say it <---key ingredient
everything soulhonky said was something i've already said
just in paragraph form
even the thing that got the initial long back and forth started the other day were actual factuals. fuck a vegas preseason over/under (horrible plea cop btw)
now yall mad cause i told the truth bout morey trading young contributors for a dude with 3 fouls in the first 8 minutes of his rocket debut?
u running round talking bout but he's the 5th pick as if that shit is relevant once u have 50+ games of game tape on a muhfucker
i called it how i saw it, risky move by a 8th seed to throw the dice on some potential at a position ur deep at ("potential" wise at least)
but cook on tho bruh