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Topic subjecthe was just on the hot seat last offseason
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2137651&mesg_id=2137757
2137757, he was just on the hot seat last offseason
Posted by southphillyman, Tue Feb-26-13 01:32 PM
there's a quote out there of him saying Lin has to make the ASG for him to keep his job or something or another (ppl forget THAT was his big strategic planned acquisition lol. harden basically fell in his lap due to circumstance and presti suddenly deciding he wanted to offload em quick....also remember harden only had a 5 mil cap hit this season...presti could have dumped him on anybody there was no mastermind manipulation on moreys part other than having a perfect replacement on the roster(kmart) )

ain't got a lot of time to back and forth with niggas today but guinness feelings got hurt like shit yesterday just because i broke down how the rockets aren't overachieving
improvement has been marginal at best and everything is reliant on best case scenarios playing out like Howard leaving 30 mil on the table to play for a non title contending team with no post plays putting up 120pts every night in a half empty building
reality is josh smith about to eat good down in sugarland and rockets fans will be counting the minutes until Lin falls off the books
an overly optimistic fluff piece commissioned by Moreys personal friend (simmons) changes none of that