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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectI get it -- but the immediate dismissal of the GSW approach is comedy
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2137651&mesg_id=2137736
2137736, I get it -- but the immediate dismissal of the GSW approach is comedy
Posted by celery77, Tue Feb-26-13 01:10 PM
and I was actually just being facetious in harping on the fact that the "brain trust" wouldn't be able to accept that a team with a different model might have more success than them. which is, not coincidentally, exactly what you did in response -- impossible that the GSW approach is actually effective (despite evidence to the contrary in the standings), stats will win out over 82 games.

which might prove true (I'd expect it to prove true, personally), but it's pretty presumptuous to begin writing it as fact when all the evidence from the first HALF+ of the season doesn't support it.