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Topic subjectBeverley IS a baller...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2137651&mesg_id=2137674
2137674, Beverley IS a baller...
Posted by FromTheGo, Tue Feb-26-13 11:15 AM
I thought the Heat had a steal when they drafted him

He is one of those Chitown players that hustles without an off switch like Will Bynum but far better work ethic and dedication like D Rose. (Not saying Bynum doesn't have work ethic, just comparing him as a solid contributer off the bench who could be a starter in the league)

Sherron Collins was the opposite. So much talent but no work ethic.

I am big on T Rob and Beverley and love to see them get tick and play to their potential.

...also, the thing that stands out with Morey is he has common fuckin sense...

...from a comparison to the Bulls, when we got Boozer, we didn't HAVE to spend that max contract money at the time. There is nothing wrong with having money available to spend and being meticulous shoppers