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Posted by vee-lover, Thu Feb-21-13 03:59 PM
>I can't deal with dumb shit like this

Explains why you invariably OVERanalyze your point but its cool

>At least get the categories right

Categories? Seriously?

>You didn't even do that

Because its irrelevant to this topic lol

>>(Usually) are really outstanding and some even great
>>defensive players

>You listed 5 players, and among them, there are 3 reasons
>that they are good defenders:

The *reason* why they're good defensive players is because they put forth the effort on that end of the floor, plain and simple...nothing else because defense is all abt effort and desire and less abt any physical attributes a given player or players might possess. Makes me think african born players are coached early on w/an emphasis on defense because its the one aspect of the game that you don't need tons of athleticism to excel at, only effort and a willingness to exert yourself. They're coached (I think) to their strengths (just like they are in soccer); I think the same can be said of the euro players w/fundamentals and outside shooting.

>Deng and Ibaka - Bammas
>Hakeem - springy leaper, among the best footwork
>and positioning of all time, timing
>Mutumbo, Manute: Two of the tallest players with
>the longest reaches in league history. Both also
>had good timing
>And Oladipo is a bamma in the Deng case
>He's more like Ron Artest than any African

He's only like Artest in that both like playing defense. He's eons more athletic and nowhere near as big a body.

>Mark Eaton was more like Mutumbo and Bol than Olajuwon or
>Ibaka was either of them.
>>It seems like that's a constant w/their skillset just like
>>Euro players are usually good jump shooters.
>For every Drazen Petrovic there is a Sarunas
>Marciulionus (slasher).

Well allow me to recalibrate my statement: for all the African players that CAN PLAY, being a good defensive player is commonplace in their overall skillset.

>And when you throw in Spain, then everything gets thrown
>off, since Marc Gasol is good specifically because he's
>like the only old school banging 7 footer in the league
>and Ricky Rubio is John Wall-lite horrid shooter
>White Americans are actually the group with the highest
>fraction of good jumpshooters.
>Europeans (and Argentinians) are actually reknowned for their
>slashing and around-the-rim ability: Tony Parker, Ginobli,

Euro players have never been known for putting the ball on the floor creating their own shot or being slashers, Ginobili (and Parker too) is an exception and doesn't qualify since he's latin America. If you recall, the alleged reason for the nba implementing the zone was to accomodate the euro players who were more outside shooters.

>>Its been awhile since I can recall a college player having a
>>nose for the ball like Oladipo. He's really the best player
>>that squad, not Zeller.
>Then just make a post about him

I established both points
>O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"
>"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."
>(C)Keith Murray, "