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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectWell, I think he should've just jumped to the NBA...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2101116&mesg_id=2135341
2135341, Well, I think he should've just jumped to the NBA...
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Thu Feb-21-13 01:59 PM
when he had the chance.

I'm not close to the Minn program, so I can't even front like I watch them. I only see updates on Kentucky boards. And most of them assholes on the forums hate Tubby and love having fun at his missteps. But those are trolls.

But ever year I see them start off strong and then I check back before the year is over and they're in the middle of the pack or bottom.

I think he cares about the kids. Loves coaching. And loves teaching. But his heart isn't into the other things. The main thing is recruiting.

Tubby's past accomplishments, track record for making successful pros and pros that stay in the league after playing under him with shit he specifically taught them, and connections with the NBA should allow him to get a lot of 4 star and 5 star every now and then.

I just don't think he wants to do it. Doesn't want to play that game.