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Topic subjectcosign
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2132417&mesg_id=2132465
2132465, cosign
Posted by rl9, Sat Feb-16-13 01:23 PM
>On the real, mostly anyone with sense knows that MJ is still
>the king of the hill...
>BUT...That doesn't mean Bron has to kiss the man's ass...Dude
>understands that he is the best player on the planet
>TODAY...And yeah, his argument is right...MJ isn't the
>greatest because of the rings...(that's always been a dumb
>He's the greatest because of HOW he got those rings and the
>way he specifically dominated the game (at 6'6) like it has
>never been dominated before....
>I'm glad Bron spoke up...I'm Team Jordan....But Bron said the
>right thing...