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Topic subjectRE: that kick was something else
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2117739&mesg_id=2127056
2127056, RE: that kick was something else
Posted by Numba_33, Wed Feb-06-13 03:20 PM
>only couple things about uriah hall is how he has a tendency
>to lean really far back to avoid punches leaving his feet
>planted and he seemed to be gassing the last minute and half
>of the round. we'll see how that plays out when he comes up
>against a grappler with good striking defense.

Similar to Jon Jones, it seems as if dude's stong suit are his kicks and not his straight up boxing, at least based on that fight last night. I'm sure Jon Jones told his fighter to press forward so that he was out of range of Uriah Hall's kicks and while his boxing wasn't that impressive, he did a great job of pressing forward. I'm amazed Uriah was able to pull that off since the leg than landed the kick wasn't fully extended. I'm sure the people that trained Uriah Hall in Tiger Schullman are very proud.