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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectthat kick was something else
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2117739&mesg_id=2127032
2127032, that kick was something else
Posted by xangeluvr, Wed Feb-06-13 02:51 PM
i mentioned above that i don't usually catch the episode till days later, but i had to check it out since ya'll were mentioning the kick. wow, that kick connected so clean.

everyone's reaction after that kick reminds me when i was young. i was in a tournament and i did a jump spinning back kick. i connected with dude's chin and my foot came down and i blasted him right in the throat. he was down for a while and had trouble breathing. everybody stood around shook just like in this episode. its a terrible feeling knowing you hurt somebody like that even when the very nature of what you are doing calls for it.

only couple things about uriah hall is how he has a tendency to lean really far back to avoid punches leaving his feet planted and he seemed to be gassing the last minute and half of the round. we'll see how that plays out when he comes up against a grappler with good striking defense.