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Topic subjectmoney made dan marino's BM go away for 7 years.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2124624&mesg_id=2124742
2124742, money made dan marino's BM go away for 7 years.
Posted by themaddfapper, Sun Feb-03-13 03:12 PM
money's made a shit ton of things go away.

wow that Cruise-Holmes thing sure did get put to rest quick, didn't it?

If done right, it doesn't get like this. and yeah your biz might be in the streets, sometimes that's unavoidable.

but if you need to be alcohol free for 18 months, and not have a drink within 24 hours of seeing any of your kids til 18, either the judge has overreached and is super biased, which is grounds for appeal, your representation let you get railroaded, your fault for picking the wrong people or not being able to pay the right ones....

or you might just be super fucked up, which is why you're likely to never again play in the NBA.