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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectKobeStans, you can't have it both ways
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2114215&mesg_id=2114672
2114672, KobeStans, you can't have it both ways
Posted by bentagain, Fri Jan-18-13 02:45 PM
when we're debating anything Kobe

it's on the GOAT level

using the, well how many other players, as a defense

is invalid

we're talking GOATs

like I said

when the debate came up about GOAT LAL

it was the deciding factor for Magic, IMO

I don't know why ya'll take 2nd so personal

in alot of debates

Kobe is #2 GOAT

and that's not an insult

but don't try to convince me he made all of these guys better players

that either went to another franchise

and are putting up comparable numbers

or were once franchise players

and sacrificed some part of their game to play along side of Kobe


it's a valid criticism


and I sincerely came in here to discuss Nash

man ya'll some bithces!