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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectand it looks like D12 is starting to look like the D12 of old to me
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2114215&mesg_id=2114515
2114515, and it looks like D12 is starting to look like the D12 of old to me
Posted by bentagain, Fri Jan-18-13 12:22 PM
disregarding last night

we just saw a +30pt night with 18fgas

they'll figure out how to get him those touches consistently

especially now that he looks to be almost 100%

(still doesn't have all of the explosion off the floor, but he's back to swatting shit on d)

but comparably to Nash

at least D12 is still boarding

leading the league?

I would have expected Nash to have put it together by now as well

to the Kobe narrative

he just now decided to dedicate more effort on the defensive end

which would also lead me to believe Nash is going to have to do more on offense