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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectmore talk that won't amount to shit, they can spin it however they want
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2111843&mesg_id=2111850
2111850, more talk that won't amount to shit, they can spin it however they want
Posted by Bombastic, Tue Jan-15-13 12:47 AM
Kobe getting up for a little personal battle here or there doesn't mean he's not gonna do the same 'roaming' conservation shit on D he's been doing for the past few years so he can have energy to get his points on the other end.

These cats can keep telling the press lies about their process while on the road to becoming the most disappointing team in the history of pro sports if they manage to miss the postseason.

When the dust clears, it won't matter.

Time to put up and shut the fuck up.