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2096324, Geno Smith, West Virginia (6’3, 220)
Posted by will_5198, Fri Dec-21-12 12:50 AM
He ran really hot or cold this year. It may be a similar issue to Barkley, where the team's collapse had him trying to do too much. Either way, he's got NFL ability and no grave deficiencies. He isn't frayed by a collapsing pocket and steps up very well, although he can be oblivious to backside pressure and is careless securing the ball. Release, footwork and arm strength are all fine. He's a surgeon when throwing down the seams; a NFL tight end would do him wonders.

His deep ball can be strangely erratic though -- as in, "different zip code" erratic. West Virginia didn't move the pocket much, but he does throw well on the run. However, don't confuse that with attacking mobility: he can leg out a run to the sticks, but that's about it. I'd say his biggest issue is staying with his first read. College defenders started getting huge jumps on his throws because of that (NFL players will house those).

Not a superlative prospect, but a good one who has not yet maximized his talent.