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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectSo y'all are going to ignore some of the worst points in this article?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2095621&mesg_id=2095856
2095856, So y'all are going to ignore some of the worst points in this article?
Posted by -DJ R-Tistic-, Wed Dec-19-12 10:48 PM
Main issue to me is him acting like Dwight is a killer. I wouldn't at all say he's the best defender since Russell, or that he's the 2nd most talented player in the NBA. If either of those is true, I'm not seeing it right now, and that has not a got damn thing to do with Kobe.

He was the head of Orlando, yet was NEVER a dominating killer offensive force. I don't ever see him averaging over 25 points a game, if he even gets there, and he's (supposed to be) the best Center in the game? At a time when there are not many centers, and none close to his skill level aside from the injured guy with the Ike Turner hair style?

I can agree that Kobe forces a whole lot, we all know that and admit it, but for him to act like Kobe's psyche has done more harm in 15 years than has done positive, that's a motherfucking joke times ten.

I mean, this is OKP, so I know the Kobe haters are gonna love this article. But be for real. Dwight ain't no killer, even if you push him.