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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectnice cap management but i've still yet to hear what stars they can acquire
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2062643&mesg_id=2091483
2091483, nice cap management but i've still yet to hear what stars they can acquire
Posted by southphillyman, Wed Dec-12-12 04:26 PM
trading for dwight this season is a no go and they can't sign him outright the way things look now
hell they probably can't even get at bynum realistically
so what's left?
how much will josh smith command on the open market?
because that's a more realistic outcome for them
and good luck with all that

they seem to be in a situation where they'd have to gut the roster of role players (delfino, patterson) thru trades just to get in position to get the mega star they need (with no guarantees even if they do that)
iono just doesn't seem that likely to me
it's revisionism since he was signed before harden....but that lin contract is coming back to fuck them in the ass already
imagine if they had went after felton at that $4 mil cap hit instead
more flexibility and more money to attract the type of star they need
instead they are a mediocre team with 1 star and some , but not enough, cap room
looks like a recipe to reach and sign above avg. role players for too much money