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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectwhen your pros are wack...you don't value pro stats...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=1944210&mesg_id=2082112
2082112, when your pros are wack...you don't value pro stats...
Posted by Warren Coolidges Blak Azz, Fri Nov-30-12 12:58 PM
and you make all sorts of crazy excuses on why those stats aren't important.

it's just a plea cop....and excuse to cover for guys flopping..

The average Basketball fan first of all not only has College affilations...but they have pro teams they pull for... They don't cower from pulling for a pro team because the pro team that they would naturally root for isn't good.....

The exageration of college basketball achievements as a way to avoid speaking on the failures in the pros deserves no respect at all from any real basketball fan...

it's phoney and people see completely through it..and the card should be pulled on those people at every opportunity..