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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectI'm speaking from a rational perspective, not the LAL front office
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2067673&mesg_id=2067934
2067934, I'm speaking from a rational perspective, not the LAL front office
Posted by bentagain, Sat Nov-10-12 01:36 PM

with Nash hurt

and D12 obviously not the D12 we've seen in ORL before the backeotomy

I think getting this team to the WC finals wouldn't have been seen as a failure

outside of LaLa land

and gelling by the all-star break with 2 new starters that are battling injuries also seems rational

I was of the opinion that this wasn't really an improved team

alot of folks drank the kool-aid

the front office thinks they have a chip team

they believe they were underachieving because of their head coach

now if they don't get to the finals

the L is on them
