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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectRE: Start Winning?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2067673&mesg_id=2067866
2067866, RE: Start Winning?
Posted by murph71, Sat Nov-10-12 11:56 AM
>Dude got to the WC Semis last year and truth be told, they
>had that series. The Lakers choked away 2 games in that
>He's won before...that didn't justify him getting fired after
>a slow start with new, injured personnel.
>Laker fans are acting like he missed the playoffs last year

I've never had any beef with the Lakers in the 80's...And truth be told, during Shaq and Kobe's run I still had no issues with them...They were dominant and fun to watch even as my Bulls were struggling to get back to relevance...

But since Kobe has taken over Lakers fans have become even more annoying than Yankee fans....Very delusional folks....