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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectThis is insane. My guess is, this makes Drew/D12 very likely.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2004227&mesg_id=2004264
2004264, This is insane. My guess is, this makes Drew/D12 very likely.
Posted by lc ceo, Wed Jul-04-12 07:53 PM

I think that's all but certain actually, because it gives Dwight MAJOR incentive to come to LA. Also, this isn't so much a suggestion, but somewhat of a prediction:

I also wouldn't be shocked if, in the event of landing Dwight, Pau got flipped to Minny after all for Williams/Toliver/Beasley in that case, for cash and depth reasons.

I think it's black and white at this point we either stand pat, or the dominoes start to fall and we see major changes happen.

Either way, this was a fucking home run. If we can manage to keep Sessions as a backup, that'd be a nice bonus.