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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectNone of those guys will be free agents
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=1996505&mesg_id=1997156
1997156, None of those guys will be free agents
Posted by SoulHonky, Thu Jun-21-12 05:44 PM
>Even if Washington does suck next season, they will draft high
>next year and have 2 expiring contracts to trade off with John
>Wall, Seraphin, MKG/Beal, Nene
>Gay, Granger, Deng are all free agents
>they have a more attractive location and package than NO from
>the outside looking in.

First off, Gay is signed for a while and Granger and Deng will still have a year left on their deals.

Secondly, the Wizards would have to work out a sign and trade to get any free agents since they are capped out and I doubt many people are going to trade a great player for Okafor straight up in a sign and trade; they'll probably have to move a pick or prospect.
This is why the deal makes no sense to me. Why kill your cap space when you should be able to sign someone next offseason?

The Hornets, on the other hand, will have cap space so, if they do decide to go after someone, they can. (I'd think they'd wait a year though.)

Again, Okafor and Ariza wouldn't have made New Orleans any more enticing for free agents. They're better off with the cap space and letting the owner save some dough. The Wizards will be looking at the luxury tax in 2013/14.

The Hornets are tanking, as they should. To rebuild, you want to clear the slate and stock assets. You don't add two guys and 40 million dollars to your payroll when those guys don't fix your weaknesses and have almost no part in your long term plans.

The Hornets are, without a doubt, better in the long term. They're rebuilding. Fuck the short term.