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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectThey really don't though
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=1996505&mesg_id=1996665
1996665, They really don't though
Posted by SoulHonky, Wed Jun-20-12 07:04 PM
Fans aren't flocking to see Okafor and Ariza and a 30 win team. This is EXACTLY the kind of thinking that I hate and the reason I think this deal is so horrible for the Wizards. (Nevermind that they just spent two first round picks on forwards and dealt for a better center in Nene last year.)

I mean, they were a game worse than the Hornets last year and were in an easier division and NO was missing their best player. They shouldn't be expecting two role players to suddenly sweep the fans off their feet and make the team relevant again.

EDIT: And, again, if Okafor and Ariza had legit value, fans would be pissed that the Hornets didn't get any assets in return for them. Yes, the Hornets are in a full rebuild but the fact that you got nothing in return for those two and are happy about it speaks volumes to me.