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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectit's not a bad comparison
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=1965589&mesg_id=1965849
1965849, it's not a bad comparison
Posted by thejerseytornado, Wed May-02-12 10:46 AM
and there's certainly some serious racial shit behind it, but Ortiz was sucking and his manager was defending him and he had been flirting with leaving.

youk's been playing through injuries for half a decade (many of those injuries his fault for playing so recklessly) and this new manager that no one wanted and who had already said some dumbass shit went after him within a week or two of the season starting. bobby v. basically went heel--i wouldn't be surprised if it were to protect youk from the fans. better to get it from a manager and get love from the fans than vice versa.

or, at least, I hope. because otherwise, bobby v. just questioned the effort of a guy who was supposed to never make the majors and instead became an all star.

>Y'all ain't do that for Ortiz, ha

which, having written what i just wrote, is also true of ortiz. he did look done. lol. Lski. but still, this is reaching into the long ago past just cuz you're bored/want to ask someone for why are they mad.

why for?

It's only funny till someone gets mad. Then it's hilarious.