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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectShanny is a dick, but Dono is just delusional here
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=1945877&mesg_id=1946299
1946299, Shanny is a dick, but Dono is just delusional here
Posted by Tiger Woods, Fri Mar-30-12 08:53 AM
For one, RGIII in theory is a perfect fit for the system.

But what's way funnier is how oblivious he is to just how bad he was post-Eagles. It's well documented that McNabb dicked around here, wasn't in shape, didn't commit to the playbook etc. He cooked his own goose both in DC and Minnesota. Shanahan benched his fat ass because REX GROSSMAN had the playbook down better than he did, and to not even briefly acknowledge his failure in Washington is laughable and sad.

I mean c'mon bruh