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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectWho will be UNC's next all-star? This is a mad-making thread.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=1915480&mesg_id=1915480
1915480, Who will be UNC's next all-star? This is a mad-making thread.
Posted by Basaglia, Thu Feb-09-12 07:30 PM
But it's also a legit question. UNC built a false rep for "developing" pros when Dean Smith had an entire region's best athletes on lock for more than three decades. Now that all other schools have a legit shot at that talent pool, shit looks bad for them. Tawn and Vince the last of the prototypical UNC 6-6 to 6-9 athletic b-ball IQ having bammas. Now, they gets NO MORE ALL-STARS, as I've been predicting for years...

Marv Williams...not developed
Brandan Wright...not developed
Ed Davis...Ugh

I'll be real on May...he was gonna be good.

Forte flopped
Ellington some shit

Felton was a letdown

Let's talk. Anyone?