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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectyeah stuart scott is SUCH a fucking coon!!!
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=1832987&mesg_id=1862188
1862188, yeah stuart scott is SUCH a fucking coon!!!
Posted by deejboram, Fri Dec-02-11 10:10 AM
>I NEVER liked Stuart Scott either. every since I was young.
>I can't stand people that try to throw in slang at every
>chance they get even if it doesn't fit and that's what he's

Stuart Scott sounds like the Black guy that was raised in Malibu and couldnt scrap but all the white guys was scared of him and thought he could fight just cuz he was black.
Then, when he get to college he try to "blacken it up" at parties and shit, and try and use "slang" that he heard on MTV or some Sean Price rap

like, dude sounds like David Letterman or Bill O'Reilly when he be tryna use slang.
now he got all them other ofays on ESPN trying use that shit
it's downright sickening.

as soon as this 19inch tube tv blow out i'm never gettin another one
matter fact, this one aint even mine
i "borrowed" it from my sister!