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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectYea there are a ton of people that shouldn't be there
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=1832987&mesg_id=1861532
1861532, Yea there are a ton of people that shouldn't be there
Posted by Anonymous, Thu Dec-01-11 12:05 PM
He's one of them.

I NEVER liked Stuart Scott either. every since I was young. I can't stand people that try to throw in slang at every chance they get even if it doesn't fit and that's what he's built his career on.

I'm not sure if people actually like him or if he's such a joke we're all laughing at him.

heard through many sources that he's a jack ass too.

Skip may be the worst one on the entire network. I don't know if I rather watch him or the Sean Hannity show.

How much of an agenda can you have? and then he plays it off like he actually believes what he's saying and the sad thing is that he just may be that delusional.

his height doesn't help either because it just makes you want to beat his ass even more.

Colin is a complete idiot as well and I'm just waiting for a story to break of him doing some disguisting Penn State ish because he just has that look to him.

yea, there aren't too many quality personalities on the network.