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Topic subjectThe Book of Ka'te (pron. Kah-tay)
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92037, The Book of Ka'te (pron. Kah-tay)
Posted by ThaAnthology, Tue Nov-20-12 08:10 AM
I would like to share the process with the fam here. So I will use this thread to post and talk about where this all came from etc.

So, the idea popped off during Hurricane Sandy. It was dark, cold and I'd sent my fam away to be safe and in warmth while I stayed behind. Wednesday night, the idea pops into my head of a story of the first day-walker, half human/vampire pure blood.

Yeah.. .a lot... but it was fun.
I literally freestyled the entire story in my head for 36 hours, then started handwriting it (power still out lol).

Now I am a few parts in.

So, follow the htread, and let me know your thoughts on The Book of Ka'te.

92039, Introduction
Posted by ThaAnthology, Tue Nov-20-12 12:31 PM
The Book of Kate’.

In the time before time, God created Man. Man was beautiful, a marvel and was God’s prized creation. As we know, Lucifer became jealous of Adam and his descendants and thus changed his course forever. This is not about them. As from fabled stories of Nod, and other dark tales surrounding the lore of the Vampirean, this tale begins there.
This is a tale of a champion, a true-redeemer of the Vampirean and Hue-man realms.
While most will argue fact and conjecture, house and lord, since we can only speculate the true essence of the darkest star, we will leave that for the cryptologists.
From the elders and scholars high on Mount Horus, in the highest mountains of the 4th house, the scrolls have been gathered and written. It is agreed, by these historians of the Dark, that Caine, banished by God and damned by God’s angels, was indeed lost in the barren lands of the Enoch, the place of banishment that was both real and unreal, dead and undead. No hue-man could live in Enoch without expressed permission, which normally was at the cost of the soul. God’s Love was not able to penetrate the darkness neither was His sight. This was a plane between the Heavens, Hell and Earth. It was discovered and kept by Lilith, true Queen of the Dark, as she was its first inhabitant.
As the scrolls foretold, hers truly was a life of folly. She’d eaten of the forbidden fruit even before it was forebode. She’d understood and loved Lucifer, more than her promised husband, Adam. Hers was a punishment divine. She stood in Enoch alone, un-aged, pristine and darkly beautiful. The Scrolls of Nod told of her meeting and taking to Caine, son of her supposed master.
She despised God for his games and trickery. How else was Caine to show his love, she sided. Caine loved this woman for her devotion but as we know of Enoch, love does not live there.
Soon, Lilith allowed Caine to be among her and to rule Enoch together.
Here is where the scrolls turn. After the Invasion at Everclear some 1000 years later, the original scrolls were burned and torn. They were hidden to protect the balance of power of the realms and lost through the ages.
One set of scrolls was kept somewhat intact and has traveled to the farthest reaches of the Hue-man world, Pangaea to rest in a small island off the coast of Africa. A place called Sanit Skrit, or Tanziles (as it is now called by its inhabitants). It is on no map or atlas you will discover. And the closest hue-man inhabitants never venture to even the coast of this small island. It is said it is the last crossway into Enoch.
It was said the scrolls were hidden here by a descendent of Roge’r, son of Rama’dam. These scrolls were the telling of Kate’, the Master of the Ninth House of Caine.
Whether these scrolls hold true or not remains to be proven, but, over a thousand centuries, there have been, and will be Katians. These are the followers of Kate’, believers of the Dark Goodness. For He is the one who battled evil, battled sin with love and honor and brought God’s Love to Enoch and redemption to himself, his parents and to all whom followed.
This is the tale of Kate’.

92040, RE: The Book of Ka'te
Posted by tycho, Tue Nov-20-12 01:57 PM
yeah I Love vampire movies books and etc if you are as talent in writing as running your mouth then it might be worth the read lamo

hahhaha i'll be looking for it

need more action should start off with a killing then flip into this segment but that's just me catch their attention then give them history make it bloody and gotta have naked nasty women whores back then prostitute let one get it early

now what but so far it's a little slow and boring you no them books you gotta put down then pick up put down and pick up and hope you make it to where the action is?
92041, Interesting
Posted by ThaAnthology, Tue Nov-20-12 02:58 PM
Well this is literally the intro page, so that part isn't the book just the lead-in.

There will be plenty of debouchery afoot, so no worries there. This ain't Twilight. lol
92042, RE: Interesting
Posted by tycho, Tue Nov-20-12 03:31 PM
funny but if you need help in direction i'm here for you

92054, References and meanings in the Book of Kate’
Posted by ThaAnthology, Fri Nov-23-12 02:00 PM
References and meanings in the Book of Kate’

The House of Caine (The Nine Houses)
Brothers (Masters of the House)
1. Areus
2. Prethus
3. Algo
4. Shanan
5. Keith
6. Larenzo
7. Baithren
8. Slevote’
9. Kate’ (Chinsau/Kate’ Chinsau)
The Daughters of Lilith
1. Nefari
2. Me
3. Shezun
The Predor- Warrior Class of vampire. Purebloods. They were created during the growing of Lilith’s first garden, before recreation was outlawed. They were Caine’s first Army, until he turned on them. They are now the Army of the House of Nine.
1. Nestor- General of the Predor, and Husband of Me, father to Aldus and Tole.
2. Aldus- Warrior captain of the Predor Army
The Emirates: Sons of the Daughters of Lilith. These men are to be the place-holders for the Masters of The House during *Rsarect Absolute.
1. King Tole and his male bloodline are Emirates.
The Raven Coven- The counsel of Lilith, residing within the Enoch volcano known as Raven Hill.
1. Lilith
2. Antic
3. Angola
4. Bess
5. Nefari
6. Me

Caine’s Counsel:
1. Redon’G- Master of Sorcery and Alchemy
The House of D
1. Telis, Husband of D.
2. D, Daughter of Eve and mother of Elissaria’ D
3. Elissaria’D, daughter of D and Cain; blood sister (twin) of Kate’ (aka Mezzandria)
4. Kara Sull- Warrior Angel, and mentor to Elissaria’D
5. Winston and Jerome (later Daniel and Lestat’ Michel). These are Elisaria’Ds protectors and her trusted aides. Both are vampirean half-bloods, turned and charged with protecting Elissaria’D.
The House Of Abor
1. The land of Orange Light- A place of warmth and sun nestled between the realms of the Hue-man and Vampirean. It is here that the Cynocephali reside.
2. The Cynocephali- Changeling beings that take various forms of earthen creatures. They can shape-shift into wolves, panthers, tigers, dogs and other beasts. They as strong as the Vampirean, and their sworn enemy.
3. Canit’dam- High Elder and Grandfather of Roge’r.
4. Wey-dam- Wife of Canit’dam
5. Rama’dam -Son of Canit’dam and father of Rog’er
6. Seline’dam – Wife of Rama’dam and Mother of Roge’r
7. Roge’r- Lycan Prince and friend of Chinsau.
8. Kurtadam- Societal name of Lycan or man-wolves
9. Kylnior- Societal name for Cynans or weredogs
10. Ailuran- Societal name for werecats
11. Shaman- Ancient Mystic with spiritual magic.
The Academy Of Light
1. The Academy of Light- a School of spirituality and magic, philosophy, military strategy, architecture, and inner peace and power. God, knowing the hue-mans would have troubles they could not possibly understand (ie Caine, Lucifer etc) He charged his angels to figure a way to protect his beloved creatures. The Academy was created in the hopes of teaching worthy hue-mans the tools to stem the tide against evil regimes of dark magic. It was not intended for uses/abuses of power, or to blaspheme. Only the purest of heart, most intelligent and spiritually rich hue-mans are allowed into the walls of The Academy.

2. The Academy Instructors:
a. Recosin- Elder High Angel and Head Master of the Academy of Light
b. Alarin- Master Strategist and Leader of The Corps of The light, the warrior class and protectors of the Academy of Light
c. Blake- Minister of War
d. Saldin- Minister of Light and majiks
e. Blacksmith- Master Builder and Architect
f. Kenneth- Master of Arms
g. Wize- Minister of Philosophy and spiritual power
3. The Corps Of Light:
a. Montesse
b. Kara Sull
c. Jacobson
d. Hammer
e. Um
The City of El Sayed- Lost hue-man city, now a barren wasteland of Enoch. The origin of the Noored. Also, it was the site of the first Great War.
The Great War of El Sayed- which was waged between The Academy of Light and dark forces of humanity. Recosin reviews all candidates periodically, so even though you may have been allowed entry into the Academy, once hue-mans begin learning the secrets of The Light, they are retested for purity and strength of heart. While most excel at these trials, there are those who fail. At that time, they are removed from the Academy and go through a process where their memories are erased of any lessons taught. The banished have no memory of the time spend in the Academy or any teachings. It was during this time that several humans were caste out of the Academy. Before their memories could be altered, they escaped to a nearby city, called El Sayed. The banished formed an alliance and set about a plot to destroy the Academy for their treachery. This was the first time hue-mans had struck against their Angel protectors in the young history of their existence. It was this war which first brought the “changelings” or Cynocephali to the realms of earth.
The Malkary Coven
1. The Malkary- A Vampire Coven of the Third House. It is a warrior nation and protector from Sons of Abel soldiers. A commando unit of sorts
2. General Chinsau Ha-Deen- Leading General of The Malkary, and Fifth General of The Ninth House Army. Mentor and namesake to No Name
3. Prudence/Dasha- slave companion to No Name/Half-blood assassin
4. Nana Deline- Soothsayer and advisor to Ha-Deen
The Carmichael Coven
1. Duke Heiser- King of The Carmichael Coven
2. Ashanti- Duke Heiser’s Daughter and Queen of Carmichael. She is pledged to King Tole as is wife on his 25th Birthday.
3. Bron- Man-servant of Duke Heiser.
4. The Nooreds- Humans who live in the banished world of Enoch and have camps throughout the Nine Houses. They were brought in under guise of seduction in the old ways for feeding purposes. As the Vampirean Lords discovered alternate ways of feeding, the dark-human was left to his own devices. They remain, watched, but largely ignored on a whole. They were, however, very dangerous to lesser vampireans of the countryside.
5. Austin- King of the Eastern Clay Nooreds and enemy of Duke Heiser
6. The City of Eastern Clay- Noored City East of Carmichael
7. Hibris- neighbored town west of Carmichael
8. Nejurut- Noored Town near the Red Mountains of the Seventh house lands
9. Antic (known as Amel in some texts)-The demon of anger and mischief. He is a dark spirit first conjured by Lilith’s soothsayer. He belongs to Me, Second Daughter of Lilith.
Dangers of Enoch-
1. Vampirean Spies- These are spies of each house. There is always some sort of treachery afoot in the lands of Enoch. Each brother vying for wealth and position within their realms and that of their human counterparts. These spies are master assassins as well as master spies.
2. The Sons Of Abel- Self proclaimed Vampire Hunters. These are the blood descendants of Abel, charged with vengeance to all Vampire and for all time. Even after death, their souls hover over Earth, waiting for a new host so they can continue their quest. These men have lost all humanity and have nearly become the very thing they despise.
a. The City of Grome- slave capital of West Eden, and home to King Silas
b. King Silas- Head General of the Eastern Abel Army, second largest Abel Army
c. General Relevoir- Second in Command of the Eastern Abel Army
d. King Ralph “The Monster” Head general of the Northern Abel Army, the largest of all Abel Armies
e. Edenshire, home of Relevoir and his brigade
3. The Eyes Of Lucifer- A Spy-network charged at finding any of Gods creatures in Enoch to turn them into soldiers for Lucifer’s Army. They can seduce human flesh regardless of any prior spell. The flesh need only be weak and they will be conquered. This is a danger for Noored ,Human and Cynocephali alike.
4. Warring Clans- Vampire Clans are always fighting for title and wealth. Even amongst the houses, the brothers allow for a certain amount of warring. A good cleansing is what they refer this to.
5. Nooreds- Though these are humans, they are deceptive, and evil in nature.
92063, Enter, the Dark Master.
Posted by ThaAnthology, Mon Nov-26-12 02:45 PM

A darkly-shrouded figure was leaning over in the corner of the east end of the great Hall, a mahogany and white marble tiled hall on the farthest end of The Castle House. A puddle of darkly magenta liquid quickly formed beneath his grey, decrepit feet. As the figure slid back slightly, he let go of the meal he was consuming and let the meal fall to its side.
The midnight meal on this night, used to be a young woodland maiden from the lands of Eden, born of the Western Woodlands of Eripochea, a small forest town twenty miles due west of Eden.
The meal’s owner wiped his frothing mouth as remains of his meal remained on face and fang. He looked down at the horror-struck face of his victim. He marveled at the blue in her eyes. He was delighted by the promise and hope he tasted in her blood. “Wonderful!” he exclaimed quietly in delight. Without a seconds break in his glance, he whistled two sharp whistles and one short blow. In an instant, two vicious black dogs draped in long dark fur and eyes of hellish fire ran into the room and immediately attacked the body, biting and pulling it apart. The two dragged the bloody frame into another room to finish their meal.
The headmaster walked along the corridor quietly. He had a lot on his mind. It had been nearly 100 earth years since his demise and the world he knew had changed so much. He replayed the visions he saw in the maidens’ blood.
He was proud of the accomplishments of his human counterparts, to a certain extent. Though he had long-since reconciled his fate, there seemed there might still have been a tiny piece of humanity left inside the dark Lord. He was proud that they had not only grown in population, but flourished, perhaps not for the reasons one may guess. To his delight, Eden’s villages had grown to spread throughout all of Gods Kingdom. That meant more feedings, and more visions, more experiences and more flavor. Caine enjoyed his meals more in the times of man’s growth.
He was not content, however. The Dark Lord knew he’d been duped for these years to the folly of a wife who did not belong to him. Caine was not blinded to the treachery in Lilith’s heart, though he followed her fancies. As they grew together, he’d realized her bloodlust. He knew it was not simply about feast for her, she thirsted for power, revenge.
These things were not in Caine’s wheelhouse. Though in secret, he mourned his brother’s death daily, he relished in the punishments bestowed unto him. Caine hated that he had to share the feast of hue-man blood with anyone, let alone childer. He felt hue-man fear was not as tasty as happiness. He knew hue-man fear would spread and taint all of his food supply if the lore of the Vampire became anything more than lore. This he’d learned from the first trials.
The first trials came about long before the birth of Areus. There were once 13 lords of Enoch, the first garden of Lilith’s hand. At first, Caine was thought to admire his wife’s enthusiasm, but after a time, the flavor of his feasts changed. He consulted Redon’G, and it was Redon’s findings that would change the course of their existence forever.
Redon’G reported it was the fear and horror in hue-mans that changed the taste of their bounty. Caine was so displeased that he came to Lilith to explain the issue and come to a resolution. It was first thought to have the vampire lords ration their feeding but that did not last. Then Caine decided to outlaw reproduction of any vampire. The answer would never be to have MORE vampires. In his opinion, the less the better.
Caine decreed no more vampires were to be created, for punishment of immediate death, to Lilith’s immediate disdain. The decision stood for 20 earth years. Lilith’s soothsayers warned that decision could be the ruination of the Coven House but Caine did not care. That was not his interest. For years her attempts to convince Caine to reverse his decision fell short. Her arguments could not possibly compare to the delightful taste of the naïve hue-man blood.
Caine did not want power. He did not want revenge. He simply wanted to die. And since that was impossible, he wanted to enjoy what he could in this darkened world of Enoch.
Lilith of course, wanted the destruction of Eden and for Enoch to blossom, so she needed more of an Army, not less. She decided to act. The Dark Queen ordered the turnings to continue. In great anger, Caine donned his warrior’s armor, and set about Enoch laying destruction to all vampires. The Battle of 13 saw the heads of the 13 original houses thrashed by the Dark father and their covens vanished into the shadows for fear of smiting. Any vampire found in Enoch was at risk of destruction. A new fear was set throughout the land of Enoch. It was the wrath of Caine.
This defiance of her husband’s order set Lilith down a path she would never recover from as far as stature and titles. Their alliance would now be tenuous at best. She had to step carefully around Caine, for he was as powerful as she, crafty.
Years later, it was said that Caine willfully created the 8 sons and three daughters, though in truth, it was all the idea of Lilith. The creation of the sons’ was an abomination to Caine. He did not hate his childer, but he did hate that they were created. He felt as though these creatures would spread throughout Gods Kingdom putting back the dark fear into the hearts of the hue-mans and thus spoiling the deliciousness of their naiveté. This openness and naiveté was where the flavor Caine cherished came from.
Caine was no fool either. As he walked through the Cole Pavilion, entering the courtyard behind the castle he sighed. This place was the site of his first demise, when God’s angels first created the ungodly creature. He changed the tomb into a place of reflection and peace, known only as the Seated Rock. As his soul had been purged from his body as part of his initial damming, it formed a mass of solid rock. There was no feeling to the stone, no heat nor cold.
Caine used it as a throne. He could be found on any given day seated there, pondering. This was a part of Caine’s redemption. This stone was once the scene of despair and longing. Now, it was the symbol if Caine’s strength, and the place of his solace.
Lilith hated the rock, as she had no soul to lose. Her jealousy of Caine knew no end.
This was the plight of the Master of the House.
“Master,” said a small female vampire. She walked with grace and poise. She was as beautiful as Lilith, but never as jaded nor angry. Hate did not seethe through the blood and cold skin of this childer. She was Caine’s favorite of his children, the youngest daughter of Lilith, Shezun. Her dark red hair shone softly in the moonlight of Enoch as she spoke. “Master, Redon’G is looking for you.”
“Thank you, my child. And how are you, daughter?” He asked
“I am well, father. Mother is teaching us so many spells and incantations. I am afraid I won’t be able to master them as my sisters.”
“Do not worry on such matters Shezun,” The Master said philosophically. “You will come to know what is necessary as the proper time is revealed. Waste not, time fretting what you cannot learn, only master what you have already learned and you will still be powerful. “
The dark patriarch patted his young childer upon her head and excused himself from the courtyard. He glided through the halls somewhat hastily, as he was awaiting word from Redon’G in regards to a project. A special project known only to him and his court of alchemists.

92101, An Ominous Idea
Posted by ThaAnthology, Fri Nov-30-12 03:07 PM

In the early times of Enoch, there was much youth in the world of Man. The man world was so innocent, and its naiveté was a joyous playground for the whims and fancies of Lilith. Though she was with Caine, now, her tumultuous heart still longed for the bosom of her first love. This love was not Adam, father of Caine, but yet another, the most beautiful Angel of all.

As it is told, Lilith kept her fancy to herself. She always sought an opportunity to announce herself to the Angel of Northern Light and thwart God’s will, often at the same time. It was this motivation that one day, brought her to an idea. It was a masterful stroke. She could embarrass the maker, draw the attentions of her true heart, and serve a swift and deadly blow to all of Gods beloved creatures, one they would not be able to hide or recover.

As the night’s morning sky emblazed the clouds with magentas and golden hues, Lilith’s angry joy was to be felt throughout all of Enoch. The Castle House, where Caine and his betrothed resided, sat at the beginning of the world, where the seams of the earth came together, where sea and land were woven into each other, where hints of a red sun played folly with the blackest stars of the Enoch sky.

The Castle House was large and foreboding. Blackened Ivory columns jutted out from rock and seemed to reach sky. The rigid coals and iron ore that made up the foundation of the Castle house, made for a sullen and cold, barren energy that was preferred in this land.
As Enoch was of earth, and not of Earth, so were the demon-figures and gargoyles that filled the Castle House. God’s love, God’s Sight, knew not of this place. In fact, it was so foreboding that even Lucifer deemed it unsavory. He liked the dark energy but always said it had no flair. Thus why he did not accept Enoch upon his ejection from The Heavens.

While Lucifer created his own Eden, Lilith always seemed to fail before her garden could grow. It was this perpetual insistence of her garden that caused Caine to succumb to the will of his companion, while despising her more.

Lilith’s will was to bare fruit. Her will was to mother, to rule. To have her fruit spread throughout the world of man, taking such punishments and prisons handed down by God and embracing them, only to unleash the pain in her heart throughout Gods Kingdom. And so it came to pass, that Lilith bore 8 Sons and 3 Daughters, Areus,and Prethus, were born 2 human years between each other, with Nefari between them. Algo, and Shanan were the next boys, Algo, 2 years from Prethus and Shanan 3 years from Algo. Keith, Larenzo and Me were triplets who came 2 years after the birth of Shanan. Baithern was the seventh brother, born 3 years from The Triplets with Slevote 1 year behind him. In a curious reckoning, the final daughter, Shezun was born to Lilith and Caine, when Caine decides that likenesses are an abomination and for a time, renders this act illegal for all Vampirean.

Lilith was enraged by this decision, for it is in complete contrast to the destruction she’d set forth. As part of her spell to cast the world in darkness, her dark sorcery instructed that she’d need Nine sons, for Nine houses.

Seething, but waiting for her next opportunity, Lilith let 5 Vampirean years (50 hue-man) pass. A particularly deceitful idea came into her bewitching mind. One that surely would tender the results she’d anticipated. With no time to waste, she summoned her favorite demon, Antic.

“Antic!” the sullen and shrill voice bellowed from beyond the Graye Parlour. Antic was a magical dark elf, full of deception and tricks. He used to be a Shaman of God’s Kingdom, charged with watching over the Daughters of Eve until his treachery and deceit put him in direct line of God’s Wrath. He’d conjured a rouse to woo the Daughters of Eve and take advantage of their innocence.

The Archangel Gabriel was summoned to punish Antic for his transgressions. He morphed the Shaman into a form of small, diminutive wood elf. Antic was small, darkly hued, but with his majiks of trickery about, managed to keep himself as a man in at least one area. Though he was allowed to maintain his majiks, he was not allowed to turn himself back or have anyone reverse Gabriel’s curse. This was a punishment as long as the First Master, Caine’s.

As it is in Enoch, Antic was dispatched there and also fell into the graces of Lilith. She was amused at his stature, and equally as impressed with his wickedness. Antic understood how the ways of man truly worked. In his eyes, no matter the look of these creatures of Enoch, they were still borne of man, as was he, and fell victim to the wills and desires of man. It was he who loved to play tricks on the Sons of Lilith. It was he who was allowed to play in the fields of the female vampirean.

For these luxuries, he honored The Mother, and he’d become one of her trusted minion. He would counsel her on her actions and decisions and was one of her main conspirators as to the building of the House of The Nine, as Lilith called it.

The House of The Nine was Lilith’s plan to use her sons to usurp Caine, take control of Enoch and soon earth. With Nine sons, each with special strengths and powers unique, could easily dispatch even the mighty Vampirean king, himself. But, even Lilith knew there were no Vampires strong enough, even with the Eight sons she now had. She also knew the loyalties of at least 3 of her sons and one of her daughters went to Caine alone. The first-born Areus, Daughter Shezun and youngest Slevote’ were truly their father’s children and would not stand against him. Something must be done and done soon, for the longer Caine lived, the more withdrawn he became and the less he allowed his vampirean children to do.

Lilith paced about the marble floors of her parlor. Her long, black robe sullied by the dusty floor below. Eyes were black as hair and robe, and still, her mind was a flame of anger and retribution. She sighed deeply as Antic strolled hastily into the room.

“Antic!” she bellowed, “Where have you been?” The lady’s impatience was obvious. “Dipping your finger into the maidens pies again?”
“No My lady,” Antic said in a short, deeply scratched voice. Though that was exactly where Antic was. “I am here to serve, how might I?” he asked, hoping to distract the Dark matriarch.

Lilith sighed again and sat down. She was weary. Weary of Caine and his incessant anger with God, his melancholy and longing, and she was weary of his rule. After all, it was she who first tended the gardens of Enoch. It was she who awoke Caine to the use of his abilities. But it is Caine, who gets to rule. It is he who sets the law.

There must be a way to besmirch his name, shame God Himself and sway the favor of her true Knight.

“What troubles you, my Queen,” Asked Antic who was now sitting near her feet, obviously enjoying the company of himself.

Lilith laughed as the small elf played with his mans penis, wrapped in the bottom portions of her robe. “My little man, you are always what I need to feel better, but I fear this is not even a quest for your wicked mind.”

“One never knows what a wicked mind can do, unless one tries it?”
“True, my little monkey,” Lilith said as she ran her cold fingers through his knotted and jumbled mane. “Very true.” Lilith wanted to ask Antic for his thoughts, but did not know how to correctly phrase her quandary. And for as much as she trusted Antic, how much can you trust anyone in Enoch.

It was then, Antic coined an eerily upbeat, yet melancholy song. “OOhhh mi lady has her troubles warn, upon a hefty burden… husbands spawn to rocks and rolls, earthly wars incursion. God created lovely, fair and sensual his maidens… mostly folly says a man, befallen of their curses…” He sang to himself for a few moments more ,though he did not realize he was singing at all.

As Antic sang, so his song stoked a fire brewing in the cold room. A picture, or caricature formed of the flames, or at least to Lilith. The flames showed a man, birthing to a Daughter of Eve a most heinous creature, a true abomination.

“There!” she shouted, “There! There!” Antic continued his song, oblivious both of Lilith’s epiphany and to her movement. Lilith watched the fire as her eyes mirrored the flame. It was there, the idea first hatched. Perhaps she should have thought more carefully, but Lilith was at her end. Caine’s rule must end. Her sons must be brought to lead. The race must be allowed to grow and live. These things must pass. “Antic, I have an errand for you,”
“Yes, my lady?” He asked from below, clearly masturbating with more vigor as he stared up through his maiden’s black robe into the reaches of her nude garden.

“You will like this mission, but you must keep it between the lines of your own breath.”

“Whatever you desire, my Queen.”

“Good, dear Antic, good. Get me a daughter of Eve.”

92168, The Prophecy Begins
Posted by ThaAnthology, Thu Dec-13-12 02:50 PM
The Prophecy Begins

“So,” said a beautiful man, wrapped behind the shadows in the darkest part of the northern Black Hills of Enoch. Its largest hilly mass was also the blackest hill. It was steep on all sides and razor sharp rock jutted from the easternmost side. Fire and black smoke blew from its top once a century, burning everything in its path. The Mountain was known as Raven’s Hell.
Lilith would come to the hill to relax her mind and plan her tactics. She loved that during its quiet time, the most beautiful and rare flowers and plants were born from its roots, animals would venture into the lands feasting on the bountiful and rich foliage. Homes, nests and burrows would be built and the mountain would be alive with life.
Then, without advance warning, the mountain would be aglow of heat and fire and destroy everything in its path. All trees, plants, animals, humans who decided to reside there… all dead, burned, ashed of corpse.
This was the time of year Lilith enjoyed the most.
She built a small coven inside the mount. Her loyal staff consisted of Antic, two witches, Angora and Bess, who used spells and other dark majiks to do Lilith’s bidding, and her daughters Nefari and Me. It was only these who knew of the true purpose of the House of the Nine.
As legend has it, Lilith was asleep in the coven house of the Raven, or Raven House. A dream had forced its way into her darkened slumber. It was a dream of Caine being attacked by Nine Lords, one on each side of him. They all looked like him, but different. Eight of the Nine Lords were clearly vampirean, but one was not. He was vampirean, but also, something else.
The scene was at night, but not in complete darkness. Some of God’s sunlight yet pierced the night. It was there, the ninth vamp stood… in the sunlight. “Impossible!” Lilith spoke immediately into the air as she awoke. And for a long time, she pondered what the dream meant and just how a vampire could survive in Gods precious sunlight.
She’d spoken the dream to Antic, and it was he who suggested the two witches from the lands of El Sayed. El Sayed was once a great city of hope and light, no too far from the lands of Abor. It is said that the city was damned after several unworthy recruits of Abor were caste out of the academy and decided to use what they learned to construct power and titles for themselves. The inhabitants seduced and prayed on the naiveté of the local hue-man populations to fill their ranks.
The heads of the city forged alliances with creatures of night, such as werewolves, half-bloods and demons of Enoch. An army was created to face the Corps of the Light. El Sayed lost, badly. The city was burned and placed into the void of Enoch, were hue-mans cannot go. Now it is a remains for witches, wandering weres and half-bloods, dark alchemy and witchcraft.
Angora and Bess were two promising young witches who were taught the dark majiks from Antic during the times of the first great War when he was still a master sorcerer. After Antic fell upon the graces of his Queen, he brought his progeny along.
Angora and Bess were very crafty witches. It was they who first created the spell of Enochea. The Spell of Enochea primarily comes from the blood essence of Lilith herself. The spell is an enchantment that completely changes the victim’s mind state to follow the commands and will of the caster. It was the spell of Enochea that Lilith first and always used against Caine while she elected to conceive her brood.
Before the time of Areus, there were 13 Lords created by Caine and Lilith. They were all summarily killed in the War of Vamps. Caine set forth to end the poisoning of his pure and wonderful blood supply. It was at first a novelty to have captains, but the novelty wore off when Caine realized these monsters would devour all and soon there would be no delicious blood for himself. Caine decreed that vampires could not create and that all creations will be laid to waste.
Hundreds of frightened vampires fled into the night and hills for protection from Caine’s wrath. His appetites for war seemed insatiable.
It was the heads the smaller vampire clans that came to Lilith. They pledged to follow her and her will to the ends of earth if she could stop Caine. It is said that it was days after that meeting, when Lilith had the dream of the nine lords.
Lilith and Antic surmised that once the nine lords were of ripe age and wisdom, they would be trained to rise up and defeat their creator, and take his place as the rulers of Enoch. The vampire clans were small, and uncontrolled. Lilith knew she could easily set the House of Nine to rule over all dark creatures with no one daring to rise up against her, and her nine immortal lords.
Angora and Bess were charged with the creation of the spell, while Antic used his sorcery to create illusions and images to confuse Caine. Once the potion was ready, Lilith would caste the spell as Caine slept.
After each of the first 11 children were born (to include the daughters of Lilith) Caine was incensed with rage. He wanted no vampires created, and yet he’d fathered eleven of them, and could not bring himself to destroy them. He was angry and confused most days after the birth of Areus. Caine would retreat to the pillars of his study with Redon’G. He spent a lot of time there, and away from his “family”.
In truth, that’s just the way Lilith wanted it. She was the primary influence and teacher of Areus, Nefari and Prethus. Caine did have some affection for Algo, as he seemed to favor the personality and attitudes of his father. Caine took pleasure in this seed and taught him in the ways of war, generals and battle. This seemed to move Caine out of his apathy, for a short while. He tried to teach a lazy Shanan to no avail and the triplets, Keith, Larenzo and Me were more interested in titles and position than war. By the time Shezun came, Caine had his fill of childer and the potion had no effect by now, so it was a time between Shezun, the last and the ninth lord.
What was Lilith to do, Caine could not be controlled any longer, and she was one lord short of the prophecy.

92161, Any feedback so far?
Posted by ThaAnthology, Thu Dec-13-12 09:17 AM
Do you like it? Do you hate it?
92164, RE: Any feedback so far?
Posted by tycho, Thu Dec-13-12 10:31 AM
haven't had time to read distracted a little bit right now but when i get some money i'll print it out and read it

keep it up
92165, I'm at almost 90 pages
Posted by ThaAnthology, Thu Dec-13-12 01:33 PM
single spaced. Hope to be @ 100 before next week. (mini-in-game- goals).
92166, RE: Any feedback so far?
Posted by lola1980, Thu Dec-13-12 01:53 PM
I love where you are going with this story; well written, great details; extremely vivid. I can see everything as I read through the lines. Please continue to write as I welcome the opportunity to read more! By the way are you a fan of Octavia Butler? I am re-reading Wild Seed;an excellent story/read.

92167, Yes i am a fan of hers,
Posted by ThaAnthology, Thu Dec-13-12 02:46 PM
and thank you! I will post the next 2 today!
92169, The Secret of the Rose
Posted by ThaAnthology, Thu Dec-13-12 02:52 PM
The Secret of the Rose

“Redon’G” a heavy voice beckoned as the figure burst into the room. “What news do you have?”
The elder alchemist turned to his master and smiled. “Sire,” he began. “It is nearly complete.” Caine’s eyes widened.
“Will it kill them?” he asked.
“Well… no, Sire. It cannot kill them.”
“Then why waste my time!” Caine swung an arm out in anger, knocking over books and glassware that were propped up on the nearby workbench.
“Patience, sire.” said the loyal sorcerer. “Let me explain.”

It was nearly 30 years to the date when Areus was born. Caine felt changes to his will, his demeanor and had no understanding of why. Coincidentally, these uneasy sensations always seemed to avail themselves around the birth of a child of Lilith. After The triplets were conceived, Caine had Redon’G evaluate him, as he knew something was afoot, but could not place it. Redon’G discovered a strong incantation willing Caine. He was under a demon spell. Demon spells cannot easily be broken, and typically if one has been vanquished, the caster is immediately aware.
Caine did not want his traitor revealed; he wanted to see how far this endgame would go. Redon’G created a talisman of Caine and Lilith blood, of plants from Raven Hill and a special incantation was added to the talisman to give the wearer the appearance of spell. This way, the caster has no idea if the spell is not in place.
Caine went on for years like this. He noticed that Lilith always brought him special elixirs months before each request for childer. So that was how she was able to induce him. Caine, now wise to an aspect of plotting, went to his trusted aide and requested he concoct a spell, potion or something to reverse the immortality of the vampire. Caine’s wishes were that there were no more vampires other than himself. Lilith had violated all orders and not only that, but undermined his authority among the vampirean, as he continued to bear seeds, though it was outlawed. Lilith successfully placed Caine in a tenuous situation. Though he did not see clearly to her full plan, he knew something must be done.
After the talisman was created, Caine met with Redon’G a second time. He requested his ally study Caine’s blood, and figure a way to reverse the immortality strand, or kill it entirely.
Caine’s will be done. There will be no other vampire born, created or otherwise in my Enoch. There will be no offspring of Caine. There will be only Caine, and this beautiful, delicious hue-mans. It was Recon’G who had to create the means to Caine’s declarations.
After 20 years, and almost deathly amounts of Caine’s own blood used for the experiments, Redon’G concocted a fine potion. The potion would work, but it took so much of Caine’s blood, that he grew weaker and weaker as the days grew long. His sons were growing into young Lords. Areus and Prethus were already old enough to take control of their regions. With a feeble Caine, there would be no argument.
Lilith was surprised, but weary of Caine’s supposed sickness. She believed in her prophecy and that it would still take nine lords to defeat him. Since the birth of Shezun, Lilith was afraid to try the seduction incantation for fear it would not work, and for fear if it were another daughter, the prophecy would never be fulfilled.
So as Caine grew weaker, Lilith’s resolve to plot the birth of the ninth lord continued.
As Lilith continued with her plots, so did Caine.
“See, sire.” began the thin and aged sorcerer. “I used the information I discovered in the fire plants of Raven Hill, I even studied the living stone in your courtyard. All things that live and die, or do not die. I’ve taken the essence of your blood and forged it.”
“And?” The lord sighed impatiently.
“The elixir will not kill the vampire, but it will significantly shorten their lifeline.”
“How greatly?”
“The vampire will die one-thousand hue-man years after creation, approximately one hundred vampire years. And not just that vampire, all of whom that vampire created will have the same omen. This elixir was mixed with essence of the living stone. That makes it impossible to break or reverse.”
“One hundred years...” Caine mumbled. “One hundred years...”
“Yes my lord. The vampire will age 10 years for every human hundred. Thus, after 100 years, the vampire will turn to ash and dust. No soul to travel to heaven, just a decayed form.”
Caine smiled, but quickly his smile turned. “So, my dear wizard, how do I get my family to take this elixir?”
“I am working on that now, sire.” Redon’G said with an uneasy heart. Even in Caine’s weakened state, he could snap the squire’s neck in a heat’s beat.
“Well, work, my friend. There is treachery afoot in all directions, I can feel it.”
“I will, Sire.”
Caine returned to the Pavilion, obviously excited, but extremely tired. He expended extreme amounts of blood over the years for his experiments. Unlike humans, Caine had no heart to pump new blood. He sustained himself by controlling his life’s energy. He meditated to keep his inner energy warm.
The lesser his blood count, the more Caine had to sleep, and meditate. It was at this time a surprising event happened. As Caine meditated, he began to see images of his long-deceased brother, Abel. Abel said nothing, but since Caine had never before dreamed of him, he emphasized his mediations every day.
There was a change burning within Caine. One he could not understand.
During the times he was awake, Lilith buzzed about, preparing. As with history past, Caine knew her anticipation was to have another seed. Part of Caine was pleased to see Lilith involving herself with the younger lords, but there was no love, only mistrust. Caine decided to go check the progress of his wizard.
“Redon’G, what say you?” The patriarch asked as he strolled into Redon’Gs lair. The sorcerer was stirring a brew inside a large, thick, black cauldron.
“Sire…” he said quickly. He was startled by the visit.
“What say you?” Caine asked again.
“Yes, yes, sire…” the older, smaller man said quickly, moving and darting about around his work shelf. He pulled down a silver decanter with a rose imprinted on the front. “If you can get them to drink sire, it will work.”
“Truly,” he said admiring the rose designed metallic decanter. How much did you create?”
“Well…” he began, apprehensively. “There is enough for several doses, but not enough for all, unless…”
“Unless?” Caine raised his eyebrow to Redon’G. The look was to say tell me everything, do it now.
The Sorcerer swallowed. “Unless you use the last of the blood in your body to dilute the potion.
“Will that kill me? It does defeat the purpose of killing the others, correct squire?”
“No sire, it won’t kill you, only encase you. Upon the last drop of the elixir, you will become much like the living stone. You will be alive, but in a constant state of immovability”
“Can I be freed?”
“I have pledged my life to you sire, and I will pledge the lives of my children and children’s children to discovering how to awaken you from the living stone.”
“So you say, if I do this, we all will fall?”
“They will fall, assuredly, sire. You will merely be sleeping or meditating until I awaken you.”
“Good work…” Caine said, as he walked out of Redon’Gs lair. Caine walked a long time through the lands of Enoch. His solution was well in hand, he’d already decided that slumber was better than his current existence. The decision was easy, it was when. That was the issue.
92171, RE: The Secret of the Rose
Posted by lola1980, Fri Dec-14-12 01:10 PM
You have engaged me with this writing and I look forward to reading more. I like when I can visualize what I read. You bring the language to life and this makes the characters, setting and plot almost real.

Two lost souls or do they have souls? One seeking her true love;
both seeking power and control over all living beings/creatures. Who will be defeated or will either survive their desire to destroy the other?

92172, Thank you! So much!
Posted by ThaAnthology, Fri Dec-14-12 01:27 PM
There is more! so I will continue sharing as I create it!
92278, An Ominous Idea 2: Blossoms
Posted by ThaAnthology, Mon Dec-31-12 10:37 AM
An Ominous Idea Part 2: Blossoms

It was so simple, so sinister, Lilith thought to herself. Her idea was the perfect storm of events, get revenge at The Maker, destroy Caine and woo her unrequited lover. How could the secret be so simple? It had been some time since Lucifer’s visit by the lone tree in the farthest part of the Garden of Lilith. The matriarch sent her trusted Antic forth into Eden on a very particular mission. She received word that he was due to return today.
Her excitement was quite noticeable to all, including Caine, but he was content to pretend to be under her spells. Soon, she vanished, off to Raven House to prepare.
As she awaited his return, she called to her coven. Her daughters, Nefari and Me arrived first, followed by the witches soon after.
Lilith gathered them all by a stone table in the far courtyard of the underground Raven House. She looked on at her minion for a short time, smiling. “The time has come,” she spoke, finally. “The time of the prophecy is nearly here.” The small audience shifted nervously with excitement. No one had known the true reveals of Lilith’s plans, not even Antic could discern the true intent of Lilith’s plans and actions.
“My childer, my companions, the time of suffering is over. The time of the vampire will rise.” Her eyes widened with fire as she spoke. She felt alive, as if that were possible, for the first time in hundreds upon hundreds of years. “We will shake the foundations of earth with such an army that God himself will submit that earth is ours.” She continued. She paced as she spoke. For more years than you know, I have gone about the arduous task of creating a noble family, one that can take Gods “punishments” and toss them back to Him as virtues. We will be the chosen ones, the fit, the strong.” The women listened intensely. “We will bring my sons up into the House of Nine, and they will rule for all eternity, feasting and conquering any who stand in our way.”
It was then Antic arrived. He’d been gone a month, searching Eden for the exact, right daughter of Eve. His mission was to find a pure soul, virtuous and kind. Someone who was not too religious, to say with God’s doctrine firmly planted but someone who does believe. That aspect was important to Lilith. Antic was to deliver this hue-man daughter of eve to Lilith on this exact night. He knew nothing of why, and though he lusted after his captured prize he knew it was not for him to touch.
He prepared the woman for inspection, as Lilith walked into the room. He placed her nude mahogany body on a table in his workshop. The woman was frightened and scared but she was steadfast, she had faith. When Lilith walked into the room, the young woman froze with fear. She’d heard stories about the Dark Queen, but never believed them to be true, until this night. Her faith, it seems, had left immediately.
“Hmmm,“ Lilith hummed as she inspected her trophy. “Very nice, Antic,” Lilith grazed the woman’s naked form with cold fingers. “Angola, Bess!” Lilith called. The coven was still in the parlor and rushed to Antic’s workshop. “Angola, Bess, I need a stronger potion. I need this one to enjoy every moment of what will happen next, and remember none of it, not even in her dreams. She is to live her life as if we, and this night, never existed. The witches went to work. “Nefari,” Lilith barked,
“Yes mother,”
“Go back to the castle and bring your father here. Don’t worry, he will come.”
“Yes mother.” With that, Nefari disappeared into the darkness. Me and Antic assisted Lilith in preparing the stolen hue-man, dressing her in silks and satins, painting her face and body with incantations. The woman, known simply as D, was of the fishing town Pervia. She was married to Telis, a noble man from her village. They had two children.
Antic discovered her a week ago, but spent his time observing her and Telis. He understood their dynamic, and was able to caste spells upon the entire family. Within the shroud, he lured D to the river. It was there, that he took her to bring her to Lilith.
Lilith lit candles and had talisman of all sorts to surround the room. The witches returned with a mighty incantation. They recited it constantly. A golden red aura began to surface about the room. The chanting got louder and louder as Nefari and Caine walked into the room. Caine was visibly in a trance of sorts, and very weak. The incantations were stronger than even Redon’Gs spell. Nefari and Me were ushered out of the room and Antic began chanting as well.
Caine disrobed and let his massiveness rise. He entered the fishing clan woman and thrashed around for what seemed like hours. The chats were strong, almost ferocious, as Caine and Elissaria battled sexually. And soon, the wicked tryst was over. Caine had expelled not only demon seed, but life energy as well. He was even weaker now than before. Lilith, not knowing the reason for this weakness, smiled even brighter.
Caine had bedded one of Gods beloved creatures, forever staining her. Just as she predicted, D was successfully impregnated. The Ninth Lord was on his way.
Antic’s role now was to return the enchanted hue-man back to the fishing village she was found. Antic was to place a spell on her husband, Telis as well. In nine months, he would bring Lilith and they would supervise the birth of the ninth lord under enchanted darkness.

92279, The Littlest Lord
Posted by ThaAnthology, Mon Dec-31-12 10:38 AM
The Littlest Lord

It was the eve of the Ninth earth month. The entire castle was a buzz with excitement. Queen Lilith was to have her twelfth childer. Vampires from all over sent gifts and greetings for the new lord. They would not dare come, however. They knew Caine was still the master of the house, and no one wished to attempt to match him, even in his weakened state.
20 Nobles from covens across Enoch had traveled to Raven Hill and worshipped out on the grounds for days until the birth.
Areus and his seven brothers convened in the main hall with their sisters, and a feeble Caine, resting in a far corner. He smiled and spoke to his childer softly, almost fatherly. He too, celebrated. The old lord had even brought a special brew of wine to the festivities. He had one of the servants place a chilled grey bottle with a rose stamped design on the beverage table. “It is for when your mother returns from birthing. To celebrate!” said Caine.
The servants of the Castle house made last preparations, as all others awaited news of the birth.
Lilith and Antic fitted a small cave near the fishing village for the appropriate birthing. Antic ran through the small forest and retrieved the maiden from her slumber. In fact, Antic cast a spell over the entire village. All slept. No one was to view or even speculate as to the actions of D on that evening.
D nearly floated into the cave. She lay on a long stone. Her mind and body was relaxed. Antic presided over the birthing procedures and made sure she made as little noise as possible.
Lilith invited Lucifer to watch the historic birth. He arrived just as the babies crown began to protrude through the womb.
“Dear heart,” Lilith began quietly. “For you, a curse to the will of God! For I have devised a child of the damned, to be born unto a child of Eve, with God’s love!” She was proud. “This will surely reverse His will and bring down the gates of heaven!”
“Really…” said the Dark Angel, slightly sarcastically. He enjoyed Lilith’s sinister mind, but marveled at her naiveté. “That I would like to see…”
“You will my love,” she continued. Lilith’s plan was finally spoke of to full fruition. “This child will be the ninth lord. In my dreams it is nine lords who kill my beloved husband. The ninth to be oblivious to God’s Law of sunlight. It will be he, who will lead our armies against God, the vampire who walks the day as well as night.”
“Aggressive…” The fallen Angel smiled. It was at this moment, the child was born. It surely was a male baby, strong and keen. Lilith’s eyes widened. Her excitement knew no bounds. Her wishes were coming true, just as it was foretold. Antic removed the baby from D’s womb. It was then it was discovered yet another baby. This was a female child. Also, it seemed this child was completely human. “Disgusting, said Lilith. The Queen had what she wanted. Lilith wanted no parts of another daughter, let alone a hue-man. It was odd that Lilith could see so clearly the hue-man baby, but did not look closely at her own. It was at Lucifer’s request that Lilith allowed the birth mother to return to her village with the baby. Lucifer knew that if a child of God was slaughtered, with baby, and out of Enoch, there would be an investigation and hell to pay. He was inclined to watch this folly play out, but did not want to be in the line of fire when Lilith’s plan failed.
Antic continued the spells over the new family, and returned D to her rightful home. Lilith returned to The Castle house, with her new child in hand.
“Behold!” She shouted as she stormed into the main hall. “Behold brother, lord, king! I shall name him…. Kate’ (pronounced kah-tay). The baby was beautiful. Darkly hued skin, black hair was of curls and strong. He was a strong baby, able to lift his head and observe the room without assistance.
Caine was pleased. He saw something in Kate that even he could not reconcile. It was odd. Caine saw hope in the eyes of this child, he saw redemption. For a moment, he paused. A servant then asked the Dark King if it was time to toast. Caine had almost forgotten.
“Yes,” he told the servant. “Please,” he began. “Take this wine and fill your glass. Celebrate with us, the coming of Kate and the strength of our house.” The servant began to pour into every glass, the elixir created by Caine and Redon’G. “Before you sip, my children, my wife. I have made this wine of myself. It contains the last of my remaining life force. Once it is completely finished, I will become stone. Living stone.” The family looked at him in wonder. All were silent, Shezun actually had tears. “You all have great wars and stories to live out. My time is done. I cannot die, but I will be in such a way as to not be in the way of your destinies. Your mother, my wife has created Nine houses. To which you will lead and command. I, am proud. Now, lift your glass high to heaven and drink. Celebrate the new king, celebrate yourselves. “
With that, all accept Shezun drank. Caine even gave his glass to Kate’ to drink. He looked over at his youngest daughter and whispered to her. She looked at him and drank her fill. It was just then, as she completed the beverage, Caine’s body began to stiffen. Redon’G came in with a type of wheel-barrel and supported Caine as he morphed and changed into a type of marble and oak solution. It was as hard as stone, or harder. Unbreakable, impenetrable. At long last, Caine was gone.
Lilith was confused. Nothing was that easy, that simple. The matriarch stood in the hall for a moment and watched Redon’G carry the statue of Caine out of the Main Hall, and out to the courtyard, near his soul, where he will remain. Algo, Slevote and Shezun accompanied Redon’G and placed him, lovingly and with respect, on the grounds, facing the west. Algo muttered some instructions to one of the nearby servants and the childer left their father to meditate for an eternity.
The eight young lords were shell-shocked. After all these years, the head of the manor had fallen. What were they to do? Were his laws still valid? Who was now in charge? Would leadership rest on mothers shoulders, or their own. Much had to be done, and much was to be decided. Lilith was of no use to the lords, as she, with newborn childer and old foe defeated, was sullen and withdrawn. Lilith did not see this coming. Was the prophecy complete? Did she succeed? Was this what was meant by the existence of the nine lords? She did not know. In the coming days, things will be revealed, but on this day… Lilith was beside herself. She gave the infant child to Nefari to raise, but Nefari did not want to. She gave the childer to Me, as Me already had two young sons, Aldus and Tole.
Me accepted the charge of raising the infant, reluctantly. The mother’s love was for her seed, not her brother. His looks were that of hue-man more than vampire as well. It brought her disgust to look on brother, Kate’ as he even smelled of human. This was not the happiest time for any of the new regime.

92294, RE: The Littlest Lord
Posted by lola1980, Wed Jan-02-13 05:45 AM
The story is unfolding and flowing beautifully. And the shocking suprise that Caine presented to Lilith and her brood is a great cliff
-hanger. I wait with bated breath for the next chapter or two.

92291, RE: The Book of Ka'te (pron. Kah-tay)
Posted by wetsalt, Tue Jan-01-13 09:36 PM
This is an interesting topic,
Best wishes with your project!
92299, The Breaking of a Curse
Posted by ThaAnthology, Wed Jan-02-13 09:49 AM
The Breaking of A Curse
Eric Redon was a long, lanky brood. He was darkly-skinned, of an oily complexion. He was long in finger and toe, arm and ankle. His head was bald and he seemed not a young man.
As it was told, he was an elder of Eden who studied alchemy throughout his life. He was thought of as a master wizard (mostly by himself and his followers). His magic was strong and unfortunately, the naïve masses of his village seemed to worship him as God and angel.
Because he did not renounce this thought, he was given the curse of wander. The curse of wander meant he was made to forget who he was and what he knew and made to walk the earth as a fool, confused and babbling.
It was at this time when he fell upon the gaze of Caine, who had already been damned and walked the shadows of earth looking for sustenance. Caine saw within him the vanity God despised, as well as the power of alchemy and wizardry the man possessed, even though the man was now a fool with no recollections of his own.
Caine had not yet met Lilith, and had no companions. He was lonely and liked the thought of company. In a flash of a petrified heartbeat, Caine attacked and bit this man. He sat quietly and watched the man, Eric, as his hue-man body died and was reborn. Caine marveled at this new ability as he himself was still learning… and loved the taste of the wizard’s powerful blood.
He was reborn as Redon’G and has been by Caine’s side many a year, never once wishing for posture of his own. It seems his vanity had been cured, replaced by a self-sustaining humility and dedication. Redon’G had witness Caine’s strength and savagery, along with his grace and oddly kind heart.
Redon’G was with Caine when he met and followed Lilith. He was his masters’ servant, and would always be.
Once Cain’s potion met with the bloodstreams of his childer, Redon’G knew his time was nearly done. He placed Caine in the courtyard near the stone of souls and vacated the Castle House. Quietly, yet quickly Redon’G gathered his items and gave instruction to his staff. They were all to leave, and vanish. If any of them stayed, it would be at their own detriment. Redon’G was serious about his words.
He thanked them all for valiant service and disappeared into the night.
The long man found his way to a dark, black, smooth stone. It was twice as large as a man, and reflected his image, like a mirror. He spoke an incantation and walked through the mirrored stone, vanishing behind the dark. He’d found the gateway to Purgatory, where he would stay, waiting for the day to unlock Caine from the living stone.

92302, RE: The Breaking of a Curse
Posted by lola1980, Wed Jan-02-13 01:50 PM
Caine and Redon G a collaboration of pure genius. I love where this story appears to be going. Also I welcome the details as you set up the characters, scenery, plot etc. More... more...more!

92300, The Land of Orange Light
Posted by ThaAnthology, Wed Jan-02-13 09:50 AM
The Land of Orange Light

One hundred years after the dawn of Eden, Man lived nestled under the warmth and protection of God’s love and watchful eye. Sons of Adam and Daughters of Eve thrived on a whole, though some in small pockets of Eden and beyond suffered. This was a time when hue-mans still shared the world with Halflings, monsters of prehistoric nature, as well as the magical creatures of earth, light and dark majiks. Man, himself, began showing separation, as adventure and curiosity made for opportunities to stretch out from Eden’s glow and find fame and fortune throughout the vast mass of land and seas.
Adam and Eve had long since died, and their children roamed earth creating towns, communities, villages and the like. They found ways to improve upon themselves, creating language, farming, making tools and weapons, understanding the hunt, mastering majiks of their own for healing and protection, these were the gifts hue-mans gave to earth.
The story of the first sons was told to every man and woman created under God. This was an early message of the preciousness of hue-man life along with an understanding of God’s wrath. In these stories handed down from elders, Abel was always depicted as the right and good son, while Caine was cast as evil, and long-since banished. No one ever spoke of Lilith, and rarely of Caine. Hue-man fear came often in the form of Lucifer’s trickery, as he enjoyed the folly he posed on the naïve hue-man.
While it was true that these creatures made of clay and earth with The Lord’s Breath flowing through them were favored, they were not always beloved by all. There were plenty of enemies of man about the lands. Lucifer set in motion several seductions, including the seven deadly sins, as the hue-man scrolls foretold. Lust, Greed, Jealousy and Sloth were some of Lucifer’s favorite devices. These devices were as old as Eden itself, and as deadly as Enoch.
It was believed that though God loved his children, he would not interfere in their learning or development directly, which lead humans to be victimized, slaughtered and abused, if not for their own devices.
He did, however, charge some of his best Angels with the task of teaching and protecting the hue-man.
They created a temple/school for hue-mans to learn how to master arts necessary to not only their survival, to their ability to thrive and grow. It was called the Academy of Light and it was hidden deep in the valleys of The Land of Orange Light, nestled in the warmth and glow of the yellow sun, in an area known to some as Kemit. The masters of The light were the elder teachers. These angels taught worthy hue-mans the skills of war and battle, construction of the best of armor and weapons, spirituality and true message of God’s will, along with the powers of light and dark majiks, as it was thought best to teach all majiks to the hue-man, for defense as well as offensive means. Though later that might have led to other errors in hue-man judgment, but that is for another tale.
The Masters were Wize- a female angel with lowing hair of orange fire, soft, but stern expressions begat her face. Wize was the master of wisdom and light. She taught worthy hue-man holy men of God’s true nature, His will and message. Master Saldin was a fierce black-winged Angel who taught of the Book of Majiks. Master Blake was a cousin to the war-angel Loki and he taught of tactics of war. Blacksmith was a master builder. He taught hue-mans to construct vessels for their travels, homes, and of course, weaponry and tools. The master general, Alarin, was the general of the Corps Of Light. His charges were soldiers who taught the hue-mans and practiced their skills with war and battle. They were also charged to protect the Academy from all harm. The Headmaster, Angel Recosin was the charge of the Academy. He answered directly to God on all matters of the Academy. He was the final approval on all hue-mans who wished to learn and train. He said who could enter, who could learn what and when they were to leave, if they were to leave.
It was said that anyone may enter the Academy, but only who is of pure will and pure spirit could train there. It was also said that anyone who betrays the laws or teachings of the Academy will face fates worse than ever imagined.
Over the course of a century, thousands of hue-mans travelled to the Lands of Orange Light, seeking the knowledge of The Academy, only a few hundred were allowed to train. While most hue-mans, rejected by Recosin returned to their homelands, others made homes for themselves in lands not too close, but not too far from The Academy. Those hue-mans allowed to train were known as Academites. The Academites lived in the immediate surrounding lands of The Land of Orange Light.
It was said that once your degree of training was done, you may leave the Academy and go wherever your skill set was needed. The duty of Academy graduates was to make Eden better, to help it thrive along with all inhabitants within.
It was a humbling discipline. It was also one that took decades to complete. Though all who are accepted are taught basics in all disciplines, there are those whose aptitudes surpass that of their peers. Those Academites are invited to stay and further develop their skills. These “masters” typically become tribal chiefs, master shamans, and master generals. Even their stay, however, is not permanent. The Academy had a shelf life.
God and His angels decided hue-mans cannot be babied. They must be allowed to affect their lives without the direct contact of God’s angels. It was decided at a certain period, the Academy would train the last of its masters. The doors would close, and the angels that guard would be decommissioned and return to heaven. The school would reopen with the hue-man masters (and equivalents) now instructing in the methods and ways of God’s Law. Angel instructors could stay, -providing they relinquish their wings and supernatural powers. If they were to live with the hue-man, they were to become hue-man.
Then there were those that achieved a certain high level of enlightenment and understanding. These enlightened beings were given the gift of morph and lived in the village of Abor.
Abor was a beautiful land of rolling hills, golden meadows, and seas of bright blue water. It was as if God kissed this land and kept it pure. Its lands were as sacred as The Academy, and it was very close in proximity.
Abor became the residence of the feared and respected Cynocephali. The Cynocephali were God’s enforcers on earth. They were the sworn enemy of all vampires. It was they, who by God’s law were charged with protecting people from these undead demons.
There were not as many Cynocephali as there were vampires, so an all-out assault on Enoch would be fool-hearty. Instead, Recosin had his Cadre build the city of Abor, not too far in distance from the Academy. Abor became a smaller “academy” for the shape-shifting cynocephali. They lived, loved, prayed, meditated, trained and protected their lands. The Cynocephali created five platoons of twenty warriors, whose sole mission was to protect hue-man lands from vampire attack.
It was common to see cynocephali disguised as wanderers and vagabonds along roadsides and townships, as this was still a growing Eden with an assortment of people doing an assortment of things. Because the Cynocephali were hue-mans, given the ability to shape-shift, they could also return to their hue-man form, and spent most of their days as hue-mans. It is only when they come in direct contact with vampires that the change is uncontrollable.

92338, Lies, Deceptions and Mistruths part 1
Posted by ThaAnthology, Mon Jan-07-13 02:23 PM
Lies, Deceptions and Mistruths part 1

It had been 2 years since the stoning of Caine and the birth of Kate’. Lilith had regressed further into her sullen nature. She was not in mourning, however. Lilith was still smiting over the loss of conquest. The castle was hers, surely. But the ability to laud over her victory was incomplete. It was taken from her and she was angered by that. She walked the castle alone, speaking only to Nefari, Areus and Antic, and even then only on specific topics.
Areus was now the head of the house. An intelligent vampire of 27 (vampire) years, he took the lands of the first house though he ruled over all 9 regions (until each brother was old enough to take control of their own house). Prethus, at 26 was still very jealous of his brother. He controlled his house, and was the one who sought to banish the law of creation made by Caine some 100 years prior. Areus, and Algo agreed. Algo, though younger, was 24 and able to run his house, so he was in the decision-making process.
Nefari assumed duties of head Queen of the House. It was she, now, who instructed and ran the now House of Nine. She made sure the house had all it needed, servants, spell-casters, flesh, everything the nine brothers would need. Nefari counseled with Lilith daily, and all that went on in the House was relayed to Lilith, who was truly more and more withdrawn with each new moon.
Me assumed the maternal role as she was the first to take a husband, Nestor, General of the war clan Predor and birth seeds. Aldus and Tole’ both were growing into strong, athletic childer, destined to royalty. She had also taken in Kate’. Kate’ was uncle to her sons, though he was at least 5 years junior to Tole’. Me disliked everything about Kate’, and was an absentee mother, so to speak. Kate was an unusual childer, as he did not grow or act or eat as the others did. He was more human than they’d ever been accustomed to. He did not grow as rapidly, he seemed weak, as a human did. He ate food of hue-mans, not blood. Me did not like this “different” boy.
Shezun was the first sibling to attach herself to Kate’, possibly because she was much younger than her elder siblings as well. Slevote was 12, so he could not rule, The triplets were all becoming of age within 4 moons, and soon all but one of the houses would have their master.
To solve any issues of who would run the Ninth House in Kate’s stead, The Title of Emirate was created. An Emirate had to be someone of royal pure blood descent, as closely linked to the Nine Lords as possible. The first Emirate chosen was Nestor, General of the Predor. He was already a man and warrior, he commanded a vast army. Nestor was the suitable choice. As Nestor aged, Aldus would become general and take his father’s place.
Shezun used to play with Kate’ in the meadows of the western region of the second house. She would often play hiding games with him, which he loved. It was a peaceful area, where human camps were in abundance. Shezun and Kate’ only ventured to these lands at night, where Enoch had domain. She taught him how to shoot stones with slingshots, and many other games. The slingshot seemed to be what Kate’ took to the most. He could do nothing with it, as he was so young, but he’d sleep with it under the night stars. He and his sister would play often, as she had no desire to be a part of court and pomp. She enjoyed the earth for what it was; a place to learn and grow. She taught Kate’ to enjoy it as well. Perhaps he enjoyed it too much.
Lilith had her questions, especially because the hue-man qualities Kate consistently exhibited. For a time, Lilith even thought she made a miscalculation and that Kate was indeed hue-man. She had wondered about her experiment with the birth of the ninth lord, as he was so human, and not the monstrosity she’d long to create. For the first time in her existence, Lilith doubted her ability.
It did not help that her longing for Lucifer turned into forced desperation now that her companion was gone. She’d go out into the dark seeking him out. But Lucifer enjoyed this game. So rarely would he allow himself to be found.
One night as the moon was aglow, round and full, she came to rest upon a golden hill, far away from her coven. It was here, she heard the whispers.
“Beloved?” She called into the wind. “Beloved, speak to me.”
“Why should I?” the voice asked.
“What do you mean?” she questioned. “Caine is gone, the prophecy is fulfilled…” Bitter laughter was all that followed.
“You think it is done? That you’ve won the day?” The laughter got louder. “How could I possibly love a woman so foolish? You are beneath me.”
“Why do you say such things?” Lilith always considered herself a master strategist, master planner. She felt as though she was equal to both Lucifer as well as Caine, perhaps not in strength and skill, but her virtues were just as potent. These words angered the confused Lilith. “Caine is no more!”
“Yes… he is no longer, and yet he will outlive you all.” Lucifer spoke true. He knew of Caine’s plots and spells very well. Lucifer’s spies were everywhere. Lilith’s face turned to pure horror. Could it be that somehow Caine fooled her? Could he have other plots afoot? “The volume of your quiet tells me what I already know…” the dark angel continued. “Foolish girl, you were so entranced with your schemes that you took no time to see if there were schemes to befall you. Silly, silly woman. “
Though Lucifer’s words were insulting, they were also true. Lilith picked herself up and prepared to get back to the house of Nine, she must gather Antic and the witches. She must figure out this plot. “Check the expiration of your blood!” Lucifer said laughing as he disappeared into the shadows once again.
As Lilith was returning to the House of Nine, there was yet another problem afoot. It seems that Kate’ was missing. Shezun would bring him to a certain place every day, near the rolling hills and lush brooks of the city of Dav, a farming community in the region of the second house. It was a human city of Eden. Shezun would hide in the shadows of Enoch as Kate would be able to travel between both realms.
On this day, Shezun was playing her typical hide and seek game with the infant. Just as she was seeking Kate’ out, A hue-man patrol of soldiers attacked the hue-man city, burning and murdering the villagers. Shezun was frantic. She could not venture into the light to rescue Kate’. She could only watch in horror as these hue-man soldiers mercilessly charged with heavy horse and armor.
Hours passed. The dust from the horses settled, and the fires roasted, and it was night. Shezun walked through the ravaged land seeking out her lost brother. Tears flowed as she witnessed the dead and twisted corpses, the burned carcasses, and the devastation. She walked through the burned camp without fear of discovery. No one else was alive.
As she searched for signs or hints of her brother, the young vampire found an elder who told her what happened. All the children rounded up and were taken. They were taken to a human slave camp, where they will be raised as soldiers, killers or be killed. About half of each crop die during training, thus why there are always patrols.
The elder said they were taken by a savage clan of humans known as the Sons of Abel.As she spoke, a cold and eerie horror washed over Shezun. She knew very well of the Sons of Abel. Her father spoke of them often.
The Sons of Abel were the descendents of Abel, Caine’s twin brother. They were also her father’s bitterest of enemies, and enemies of all vampires. They were once an honorable clan, only seeking to protect God’s creatures from the abominations of the damned, but over time, they realized they were not best equipped to deal with the strengths of the vampire. Lone, the grandson of Abel damned the entire male bloodline when he struck a deal with a mystic from the outer rim of Eden, where no human is allowed.
There is a connection between Enoch and Eden, Purgatory it is called in some circles. This place is where dark magic lives. The mystic offered to grant Lone special powers of strength to deal with his foe, but for that he had to do something for the mystic in return. He had to kill a spirit that had long pursued the mystic. Lone promised it be done and the mystic bestowed magical strength to he and his brothers.
Once their powers were realized, they deceived the mystic and did not kill his enemy. They never ventured to do it either. Outraged by the betrayal, the mystic cursed Lone and the Sons of Abel. The more they used these powers, the stronger, but angrier they would become. Their anger would soon grow to envelope the family. Soon, this fire of hatred burned through their bloodlines and all Sons of Abel were damned to walk the earth only to seek destruction. They were to become demons themselves, though neither Lone nor his brothers knew their fate. They’d become worse than their enemy.
The Sons of Abel patrolled city after city, town after town. They stole children and teenagers to make slaves, servants and soldiers.
Shezun knew she was in trouble. She needed help, so she raced back to the castle to inform her brothers. Surely they would do something.
As the night turned into day in the land of Enoch, the land was buzzing with rumor and innuendo. There was turmoil in the House of Nine.
Shezun raced back to the House and frantically searched for Areus. Unfortunately, Lilith returned just hours before. She had the older lords tearing up the castle and the countryside to find Redon’G, who had disappeared soon after the stone transformation. Lilith had Antic test Nefari, Me and the younger lords’ blood for poisons. No one seemed to be around to listen to Shezun’s tale. Kate’s rescue would have to wait.

92340, RE: Lies, Deceptions and Mistruths part 1
Posted by lola1980, Mon Jan-07-13 03:05 PM
Fantastic! I am on the edge of my seat waiting for next chapter.

92339, Rzarect Absolute
Posted by ThaAnthology, Mon Jan-07-13 02:25 PM
Rzarect Absolute

It had been 3 vampire years since Kate’s disappearance, but surprisingly, that was the least of the concerns for the House of the Nine Lords. Though Redon’G was never found, one of his assistants was. Vampire soldiers found, caught and brought the younger sorcerer directly to Lilith. She tortured the assistant in the most gruesome of ways until with his last breath; he spoke of the poison within their blood. He told of the irreversible time limit.
Lilith was beside herself. The whole time she was plotting to end Caine’s rule, he set about the ruination of their entire species. Lilith, though angered, was impressed. She understood now why he was so weak. His life’s force was depleted to create this poison.
She walked out into the courtyard and surveyed the statue. “Master planner, hmmm…” she said to the statue. “I have to admit, husband, you were cleverer than I took you for. I WILL fix this. Then you and I will have one last talk…dear husband.” With that, she stormed her way back into the castle. She gathered Antic and the two witches and set about a plan to counteract or reverse the spell of the poisoned blood.
Lilith decided to tell no one of this treachery until she’d figured a way to solve or counteract it. She locked her and her staff in the caves of The Raven House for four years. She enlisted the aid of other dark wizards, and alchemists. She’d turned to hue-man scientists and used their knowledge after biting them, of course. Lilith worked tirelessly, but as she worked, her connection to her family waned. She’d only created them to build the House of Nine, solely to destroy Caine. Now that Caine was not her enemy, nor her friend, she grew bored with the life she led.
Lilith was always a fiery creature, never one to be ruled over…only to rule. That was her problem. Adam could not control her, she was his equal. What she thought was free will, was deemed inappropriate. In Enoch, however, all of her vices were virtues. She loved the lifestyle she led. When she met Caine, she was bored. It was nice to see another damned person in Enoch. She bedded him, taught him how to use his punishments as tools, she was proud. But as with anything, as excited as she was one day, she was bored the next.
Caine was an amusing tale in the forever-ness of her life and lore, but he was not the endgame. Lilith wished for a life of whimsy, and as she worked diligently to preserve her garden, she looked to perhaps begat a new one elsewhere.
During this time, Shezun enlisted Algo and Slevote in her search of Kate. They posted patrols in as many cities and places as they could. For 3 (vampire) years they searched the lands for him. Sadly, their exploits garnered no results. There was no word of a human vampire in Eden at all.
Shezun was fit to be tied, but it seemed she was one of the only ones with true concern. Even Algo had to return to running his house, so he could be of only little help. Slevote was still too young to run his house, but Areus was serious with his tutelage and wanted Slevote to be a proper Lord. With Lilith vanished, Nefari and Me set about the business of running the house.
Shezun feared the worst. Kate’ was so young when he was lost. The Sons of Abel must have surely killed him. Why else would he not turn up anywhere? Why else would no vampire or demon know of his existence? Not even his scent had been discovered in more than 2 years. If the vampire believed in hope, she would still be without it.
One day, Areus and Nefari came to her and told Shezun she had to abandon the search. Her responsibilities were to the family and they needed her to find a husband. Because Shezun had no man, and there was a master missing, Me charged her husband with running the Ninth House affairs in Kate’s stead. Though he was the lord, it was Me who had control. She was as alluring, deceitful and perilous as her mother. She was the perfect head of the Ninth House.
During the eve of the fourth year after Kate’s disappearance , Lilith returned to The House of the Nine Lords, with jubilation. She’d discovered a way to circumvent the spell.
She could not reverse it, nor remove it. The dead assistant was correct with that. Lilith and her coven came up with something that would work best and insure their long lasting lives. It was a spell called “The Rsarect Absolute”. It was a spell of reincarnation where the secrets, wisdom and knowledge of the originating vampire get communicated into the bloodstream. Once the vampire expires, the Rsarect begins. The blood resurrects the vampire into the host though the connection in the bloodline. At maturity, (25 years) the host vampire is taken over by the soul of the original. As the spell dictates, the vampire must be dead fifty vampire years, before the spell can take effect.
This was a difficult spell to cast. It meant that the ruling class vampires would have to learn to channel their knowledge, memories and more into their blood. They would have to meditate, dedicate and prepare themselves every one thousand years.
Nefari, Me and Shezun were called to Raven House, over the next week, they were taught how to cast the spell and train the blood. They learned well and practiced on themselves and victims from the human countryside until they were satisfied.
“Good,” said Lilith, the dark-haired matriarch. “I am very proud of you all. You’ve learned this skill very quickly.” Her daughters listened keenly. “There is a reason you must know this skill, and know it well.” She paused and restarted. “There has been a treachery afoot.” Her gaze was strong and piercing. “Caine’s will be done. You all will die within 1000 earth years.” The ladies looked at each other, astonished and confused. “When we toasted Kate’s birth, we also celebrated our own demise at Caine’s hand. The wine we drank changed the make-up of our blood. No longer are we immortal. Now, we are destined to dust,” She leaned into Me slightly. “Your blood, your life, is now forever linked with the hue-man. You will age one earth year for every 10 hue-man years, and thus will die by age 100.” Tears and sorrow befell the daughters.
“Fret not, dear ones, for you have already exacted the solution, and now you must save your brothers. Each must perform the Rsarect as quickly as possible.” The three daughters understood their role. “You must ensure the process is repeated on the eve of each brothers 999th anniversary. This is your legacy.”
“Mother,” asked Me. “why is it you speak in finalities?”
“Ahh, dear Me… always so observant.” Lilith said, prideful. “My time with you is nearly over. As I have been here in Enoch longer than anyone, including Caine. I have seen change. There are things I must do yet, and those things take me on a journey outside the halls we have created for you. The House of Nine, Raven Hill, all done for you. Now, I must do for myself.” Lilith raised her arms and her daughters flocked to her. “My dearest daughters… rule well and wisely. Make sure your brothers do the same.” As she gave final farewells, she decreed that Antic would now follow Me, just as he followed Lilith. The Witches accompanied Lilith as she left Raven Hill.
It was a sad day for the Coven. It was a sad day for Enoch.
The sisters returned to the House of Nine and met with all brothers. Prethus was angry. He ran to the courtyard and cursed his stone father. He tried in vain to destroy the stone. He could not understand why Caine hated them so much. It was then, Prethus changed. He became more serious, but more withdrawn. He set out to rule his house his way, no longer looking to Areus to lead, as Areus himself must have been in on the deceptions, after all he was first.
Areus, however, merely sought to bring esteem and glory to his name. He was not as vengeful as Prethus. But even Areus knew, with no Lilith, no Caine, soon the smaller clans may try to rise and take the house. So Areus became steadfast in assisting his brothers and Nestor in running their houses.