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Topic subjectwondering if any body.... stop in to listen
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90853, wondering if any body.... stop in to listen
Posted by tycho, Sat Mar-31-12 01:50 PM
didn't know you cared
positivity blowing in the wind
in an 1 honda accord we win
begin again bringing out bread and wine
you drinking my sins


on my knees i found five day rosarys
prayers bear lee bearly hanging on rope with no cords
less i stump my toe
rebuking got to let go
you know me
god gave me
you shackles
father i;m chained
2 be holy
ghost tears
homeles young man fears
what is life
chains and wife beaters
i should be bent over my moms knee
we need mad mothers striking out
alcohol pleads bang
wu tang
he plea i was weaker
a women beater chancing eve
we wouldn't believe
confession of melchezedeks heart
y'm a vb shark
in legue with the sacred heart
master of prayer
i know it's rare
pink slim just found a few dimes
three nickles irsih sick.les
nikita koloff i lost
am i dark i bark in my sleep
beep beep
devil smart a shopping cart of more trash i deliver
i know you remember
devil daffy duck devil smart
silver tongue

90857, RE: wondering if any body.... stop in to listen
Posted by Vayaiah Sunduh, Sat Mar-31-12 05:08 PM
homeless, but richer than most
because what you express not
even those that have
everything are as
rich in spirit.

yes, I can find time to
stop and listen to people.
90863, RE: still fighting other peoples garbage trying to dump it on me
Posted by tycho, Mon Apr-02-12 02:00 PM

want to buy some food stamps got 500 for 250 to file complaint against those crooked as virginia beach police pray for their death.
i will very soon for no other way then go to war and kill them before they get me
90866, Endure was said to those....
Posted by Vayaiah Sunduh, Mon Apr-02-12 08:38 PM
that are able to....

I knew the Most High mention "Endure" that it meant some sirius business
and I'm wanting the end to those crafty killers who go round about to the unarmed and innocent

you reap what you sow and this time I hope the world will see our haters in reverse get all the help they gave us while we live homeless

they get off on anyone trying to live that fell
in 70a.d.

remember remember the 4th of novembre is what they'll be reciting
when we sweep the dust away that will be left
after I go through the labor pains.
90872, RE: wondering if any body.... stop in to listen
Posted by ASIEM, Wed Apr-04-12 05:32 PM
this is mad crazy all ova da place slingin just Jewels
90877, RE: wondering if any body.... stop in to listen
Posted by tycho, Thu Apr-05-12 11:52 AM
90949, cool
Posted by Ezzsential, Sun Apr-15-12 04:07 PM
felt u

FUBU=for us by us, the color codes are made for women by women.. those that MISUSE -D I E-spirit and all!
92113, ..."your tie is in the second draw on the left by your briefs.."
Posted by Vayaiah Sunduh, Tue Dec-04-12 01:20 AM

God Is Good,

Good things are happening
and those are words spoke
in faith.

Time is racing................Hastes

92117, RE: no ties or neck chains but free to conquer
Posted by tycho, Tue Dec-04-12 10:05 AM
lucky charms
color purple
hit me in the head because i'm tired
92118, 2minus
Posted by Vayaiah Sunduh, Tue Dec-04-12 04:48 PM

respect the retirement
one accord
I was just bored.
92123, RE: B full of joy
Posted by tycho, Wed Dec-05-12 09:23 AM
in times of trouble
i put my trust in you
in goodtimes
i put my trust in you
i put my trust in you

there is no god but God

it's king size kool good to see you around i'm still caught up in a game of some sorts justice is a word that needs to be removed from the dictionary because people think they can buy justice so if you can buy it then it really doesn't exist. what do you think about people that hide behind rules and a judge has to force or compell you to do you civil duties? who on here was in law school or had their own copy of the civil rules procedures this is becoming a war not against just those who infflicted the damage but the whole freaking city/state/ country

but i am a conquer victories i shall be crowned royal black
praise god for me

when your wrong why don't you just admit it?
i did
92125, RE: B full of <3
Posted by Vayaiah Sunduh, Wed Dec-05-12 11:29 AM
Well said and greater timing
Only truth will break the mold
and cause such great joy as we have it

God showed His love by Having mercy and
giving the gift of truth

the air thickens against those that chose
dk.matter the road to the blacklight or dk side

I stood before Him in my sleep and begged for
the tree of life

and was led on a path

remember, seventy souls walked out of egypt
not this time

New mission
once bored & made up
some distractions and a cruel
goal to get a stranger sprung out
on falsehoods then purposely collided
it in order to grow

No time to cry over split milk?
That's what happened

I let alot go after
baptism and trust me
I wanted to hold on to all
the negative I added to my life on that day

Delays and delays to get to the water
Fought with the urge ti keep sinning

and let it all go.

92128, RE: yep
Posted by tycho, Thu Dec-06-12 12:13 PM
how do you know god loves you?
because he will kill one of his own childern to save you?
that's not a father i would submit to hahah but your understanding is not my understanding so out of perceptions birth principalities powers and domenions that must be submissive to the truth let go
i'm not holding on..... hold on the delays is to build instead of weaken i follow the spirit and deny the flesh of course until i bust
self sacrifice

peace but i understood only 1 third of what you said but thanks and have a bless day

who betrayed who judas or jesus?
92129, RE: Not Sprung
Posted by Vayaiah Sunduh, Thu Dec-06-12 06:00 PM
Letting go of air is effortless

Your God Satan don't even love man kind and rather you sacrifice
your own fam for temporary gain, you understand that language much better?

God never sacrificed His son, Jesus never died in the spirit, what do you mean? I didn't understand your remark. Religion is what the converts use to
kill off the innocent.....watch carefully the prophecies are not as fake as you
think, but mainly I'm not holding you?if responding to a post because I really was bored, really I was...then thats a easy fix.

no one is in love over here
let us be rebuked

92130, RE: can u answer this so I understand?
Posted by Vayaiah Sunduh, Thu Dec-06-12 06:04 PM
How can Christ make a 2nd Return if He was dead?

just wondering

and I understand you, you are against animal sacrifices to pay for
sins in the old laws?

look we don't need to converse if causes strife in
your soul.

92133, RE: Not Sprung
Posted by tycho, Fri Dec-07-12 01:12 PM
first let's not mention the name jesus
I don't follow that name but believe in the christ

second the man was put to death it's in scripture
hung on a tree and he gave up the ghost and it returned to the father
thank you.

see the man was just a man with the fathers spirit combine with his own spirit read emmanuel's baptism the father the son and the holy ghost.

if a man doesn't die then how could the father raise him from the grave
read about odin to who hung himself from a tree for three days to gain wisdom knowledge and understanding
yes my god is satan i confess and boredom is an idle mind the devils work shop so i called you to me or your play satan really bro please this games you pretend to play a christain your borderline bipolar insanity caught on tv mind your business and i'll mind mines truely truely i say to you a fool who provokes his brother will come to ruines

thank you for your comment and my my so called father whom you call satan bless you and keep you if you read what you've been saying and how you attacck me becauseyou had nothing to do then who is satan and who follows satan but come in the name of jesus
92134, RE: Not Sprung
Posted by Vayaiah Sunduh, Fri Dec-07-12 04:11 PM
are you the image of your father?
you have titties a dick and beard with pink lipstick?

nevermind, I don't care about you sun
as I said yes I was bored....and what?

bipolar my ass, you have mental issues, love is not a bad thing
ask your ex lover.hahahaaaaaaa
92135, RE: wondering if any body.... stop in to listen
Posted by Vayaiah Sunduh, Fri Dec-07-12 04:19 PM
mind your biz
92147, RE: I forgive you
Posted by tycho, Sun Dec-09-12 01:08 PM
pardon me for being late

bless your enemies and do not curse

The Resurrection of the Dead

12 But if it is preached that Christ has been raised from the dead, how can some of you say that there is no resurrection of the dead? 13 If there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even Christ has been raised. 14 And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith. 15 More than that, we are then found to be false witnesses about God, for we have testified about God that he raised Christ from the dead. But he did not raise him if in fact the dead are not raised. 16 For if the dead are not raised, then Christ has not been raised either. 17 And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins. 18 Then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ are lost. 19 If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are of all people most to be pitied.

20 But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. 21 For since death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead comes also through a man. 22 For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive. 23 But each in turn: Christ, the firstfruits; then, when he comes, those who belong to him. 24 Then the end will come, when he hands over the kingdom to God the Father after he has destroyed all dominion, authority and power. 25 For he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet. 26 The last enemy to be destroyed is death. 27 For he “has put everything under his feet.” Now when it says that “everything” has been put under him, it is clear that this does not include God himself, who put everything under Christ. 28 When he has done this, then the Son himself will be made subject to him who put everything under him, so that God may be all in all.

i thank the most high for changing me
slow to speak slow to wrath and fast to listen so my ears are open for you to speak

go in peace and may god bless you with his grace and mercy

92154, In the flesh
Posted by Vayaiah Sunduh, Tue Dec-11-12 12:21 PM
We do agree regarding
the Lord coming through
the flesh that's one good step

His Father never leaves his
thrown, He orchestrates everything
from the thrown and approves the evil
before it happens

I will yield this w/out scriptures being that I'm away from
my precept book & bible

I have no doctrine or is this my philosophy

Wanting the Most High to Love me and have mercy is my religion.

Howcome this department is so touchie?
and life saving in the same breath
92156, RE: In the flesh
Posted by tycho, Wed Dec-12-12 11:12 AM
well I have no religion or follow no religion
but walk in the spirit lead by the spirit

Howcome this department is so touchie?

because it's always a saying my god is better faster stronger then your god is that's why and to prove it they fight wars in their gods name committing their god is the king of blood shead. but they ignore the true teachings of peace love and sacrifice and an open mind to connect with others with different theology

they call the angel that met mohammad an angel spreading false doctrines?

92159, RE: the reason I could crack the water
Posted by Vayaiah Sunduh, Thu Dec-13-12 03:13 AM
I'm very spiritual and no matter how much
I fought to keep away from hurling heart brakes
from you sir is because of this statement "walk in the spirit lead by the spirit"

That's what kept me testing your brain mostly to be sure

This isn't personal, just found my answer

Back to this....I understand that God Is The Creator and made every spirit and all things

The Creator made the Angels before man/Adam and He chose a group of ppl to be His Chosen to be the light of the world, He knew who would choose which God before we were born and He knows what the end result will be.

There's only one angel that told God he will ascend above the heavens and be just like God,
this is the angel that was furious against man and did not want to administer to man.

That same angel knows his time is shortened & the Lord is speeding up time and it's about to get messier round about. No Fear I'm just rambling truths, I know I'm not saying anything that is a surprise to you, but someone else overlooking may wonder.......

Change of Subject:
Do you have any idea what Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is?
this is serious piece....I just can't put a finger on this

If you or anyone else knows pls leave fb thanks a lot
92162, RE: the reason I could crack the water
Posted by tycho, Thu Dec-13-12 10:29 AM
blasphemy agains the holy spirit is the only sin that can't be redeemed. It's when you reject the spirit within yourself? for in the beginning god blew his breath into man and he became a living soul so we all have a peice of god's spirit within us good and bad but if you feed the spirit and crucify the flesh you become closer to god. now how do you do that i don't know? so far I only understand one way to blasphemy agains the holy spirit and that is to take your on life.

hope it helps and thanks for the comments and
faith comes by hearing the words of god(sword of the spirit) so the more you read the more faith you have but that faith has to be tested in our trial and tribulations so i'm always happy to read what the bible and other books have to say about the most high god or what other also have to say about their interpentations because it brings me to a closer understanding

one love
92292, If blaspheme against the Holy
Posted by Vayaiah Sunduh, Tue Jan-01-13 11:09 PM
Spirit is suicide, I tell you this, that it brings great calm to my soul
if that is what it is because I'm stil alive and not down with ending me
.....I pray to the Most High that I never come close to whatever
it may be.


New Living standards

Be Well
Bless you
92255, RE: wondering if any body.... stop in to listen
Posted by HueyNewton, Sat Dec-29-12 02:12 PM
wide range of metaphors like a feast for starving souls, I listened{}

across 110th street
92337, RE: i found you ear hustling good to catch you around
Posted by tycho, Sun Jan-06-13 01:36 PM
thanks for drop'n in and leaving comments always welcome
stay bless and be a blessing to others
i'm still climbing out this pit last few inches is the worst
last bridge to cross?